We are enough

Time is running out but I just really need to get this out there.

I saw the last edition for the week and I had no clue on what to write about.
What message did I have to pass across?
What could I possibly say?

The inspiration to write came at the strangest time.
I was in the kitchen cutting meat and it just hit me.
Really weird

The first message?....
You don't need superpowers to be extra ordinary
I don't know who needs to hear it, rather see this but I'mma put it out there.

Many people live their lifes with a one sided mentality that they need to have something extra special for them to stand out.

Yes I agree, take for instance, a person covered with gold in the midst of people, of course the person would stand out but that's not what I'm talking about.

I think everyone is created in a special and unique way, that alone makes them extraordinary. Sometimes in the act of chasing things that they believe would make them extra, they do things that they regret.
I've lived it so I know and those moments in time are seconds I'd give anything to change.

Barry Allen worked as a forensic chemist in the Central City's Police Department and then he was struck by lightening giving him super powers.
He became extraordinary but still even without the super powers, he helped people everyday by solving cases. He was still extraordinary.

I'm really glad he got struck by lightening though, The Flash is one of my favorite series.

To put my message in simpler terms, you don't need to have unique special abilities for you to believe you are extraordinary.

When I was growing up, I lived in self doubt. Back then if you didn't have the basic known talents which were dancing, drawing and singing, you were tagged talentless and so was I.

It was always a joke in my family.
"The room is for people with talent".
No one ever knew how much those little words hurt. Fortunately, I grew out of it.
I still can't dance or draw or sing but I don't believe they I need any of those abilities to be extraordinary.
I am simply me and I wouldn't trade me for anything in the world.
Well except chocolate.


This brings me to the second message...
You are enough
I just had to say this because even though you know this, there are still others out there that will make you feel like you don't measure up. Like nothing you do will never be enough for them.

I don't know if anyone has ever experienced it... You try and put in your best effort with someone and they are just like Mer from the emoji movie.
I'd call it a special talent, for someone to be able to belittle another person to the whole point that they rethink the history of your life.

No matter what, by just being a human, you are enough.

And like Cimorelli said;
I don’t need you to praise me
I don’t need to prove my worth
The sun goes down and comes back up
I’m still alive
And I am enough

All I'm basically trying to say is that we are all extraordinary, no matter who or where you are. You are more than enough, don't let anyone tell or treat you otherwise and most importantly live don't just exist.

Thanks for reading 😊😊

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