How Friends could influence our lives

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Michael Bolton, in one of his songs, said, ‘Lean on me when you are not strong. I'll be your friend. I'll help you carry on.It won't be long till I'm going to need somebody to lean on. This clearly tells us as humans that regardless of the power and strength you have, you always have to lean on someone.
Hey everyone, I am glad to share it with you. the importance of having some good friends in your life.
No one can have it all together. Everyone has one or a few things that make them different or unique from each other. Some have very good temperaments, while others are difficult to deal with. But nonetheless, we have to accept everyone for who they are.
When we were kids, we were happy to hang out with any other kids we met. We grew a little, and we started being selective with the kind of people we chose to play with. Some will go in for peers who like to play around with toys, while others will join the football gang. We grew up all wise and intelligent, and we will say we know our left from our right. We could draw a thin line between right and wrong. We could make decisions for ourselves, and yes, that’s where we begin to choose our actual friends. Lifetime friends. At this age, we choose a few close friends and make them our priority. We choose our circle.

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It is from these circles that we get to have people who will give us emotional support. We get to have people who will support us emotionally through hard times. People we could run to seek comfort from. People who will help us cope with our anxiety and depression.
Out of this circle, we can have people who will help us seek connections to big platforms or access to things we never would have had the chance to experience. Well, one person I quarrel almost every day with this friend, and it is funny how we easily reconcile. We had not been in touch for a while, but out of the blue, she called to introduce this platform to me. To which I am grateful. Out of this same circle are people who seek to prove that our growth is always retarded. They carry bad energy around, and their presence just makes almost all our efforts seem pointless.


Such people sometimes become so difficult to get rid of, but at the end, the strong ones are able to settle their differences with each other. I will say that regardless of how people are, there are rainy days we need to swallow our pride and lean on. People are people, but sometimes we have to make choices that suit our life goals!
In the end, some of them become memories while others become life time companions. Some we wish we never lost, others we wish we never met.
Either ways, we should be grateful of the lessons learnt from every person we met. We should be happy about the eye opening moments we experienced from them.
Either good or bad, they form part of the journey we have traveled so far.
Cheers to the memories we made. They made every little moment of ours count

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