Hello Hive Learners, how are you today ?, i hope everyone is good and still exciting to follow the contest in Hive Learners.



The contest was exciting in its 11th week, many people took part in the contest and showed their writing talent. And this time we have arrived at the last issue of this week and the contest title in the last issue of this week is very interesting to discuss, and everyone must have experienced or at least knows about this.
The title of the last issue of the contest in week 11 is about bullying and here I will give my opinion on this, how I recall about a bullying I've seen, and how to get rid of it. So, for that I will describe it in this post, so, read carefully.



Everyone knows bullying, and sometimes they have experienced it. Bullying itself is an act that is not commendable and is an act that will affect the mentality of the victim. Bullying in general can be interpreted as an action carried out by a group against a person and this is done continuously, every time and sometimes accompanied by violence. Bullying can occur in various places, namely at school, work, or anywhere where there is a crowd. Bullying is not talking about individual conflict against other individuals, bullying is something bigger that involves a group which of course consists of several people in it and they attack someone they perceive as someone they can easily isolate.
Bullying usually occurs against someone who has characteristics, criteria, race, or even culture that are considered different in a place. People who have these differences must receive mental and even physical attacks from several people or even a group of many people. The effects of mental damage received by someone who is being bullied is so great, that sometimes he can't forget it and even this makes him do the same thing to other people. Usually bullies will mock, oppress, demean, humiliate, or even sexually harass their victims. The victim of course will not be able to avoid this as long as he is still in the same environment. The longer he accepts bullying, the more damaged his personality and even the effect on his psyche. Therefore, people who often experience bullying, they often have mental disorders, have mental problems, and not infrequently they become psychopaths which is a representation of the violence that they get while being bullied. People who have been bullied are as if they were trained to be criminals, and each and every one of them will never forget the times they were the object of ridicule, and even the violence that made him a violent person and had a dark soul accompanying it, and it really was. indeed a very dangerous mistake.


I've also been bullied by my friends. When I was still in school, I got a lot of ridicule from my friends, it made my mental decline and made me a little closed to the people around me. I got treated like that when I was 13 years old. Actually I experienced it a lot even when I was in elementary school, but when I was 13 years old, I was bullied more severely throughout my life.
My evil friends alienated me in class, they mocked me so heavily, to the point of bringing up my family name, and even my race. This must have been a very heavy and powerful mental blow for a 13 year old, and it traumatizes me deeply to this day. Luckily this didn't make me mentally ill or even turn me into a psychopath. I was bullied because by my classmates just because they didn't like me, my nature, and even my characteristics which I felt was fine and like normal 13 year olds. I'm not a naughty child, therefore I think they made me the object of ridicule and abuse just to satisfy their evil desires. I couldn't avoid this at that time, but I didn't care, I kept my characteristics and my principles even though it caused me to always clash with my classmates. I'm not a smart student, but I'm smart enough for those who bullied me, and that is the trigger that makes their anger and hatred towards me even bigger and this is very dangerous if I have a weak mentality, and I will definitely have a breakdown. severe mental and trauma because of this.


Bullying is a cruel thing, especially cases that are rampant and the victims are minors. I think if this keeps happening, then the children will have a damaged mentality and bad personality. To prevent it is very difficult, especially when this happens in schools, it often escapes the attention of teachers. The teachers do not know that one of their students is being damaged mentally which is the main thing that must be formed from a young age.
I think there are several ways to prevent it, such as increasing attention and awareness of this. Teachers or other educators must supervise each student to avoid this, but what is happening now is not as expected. Learning needs to be done so that all people and educators, especially teachers, understand this and its effects on the future of their students. It is absolutely just a matter of scrutiny and scrutiny to see students who have the potential and often do bullying so that they are educated until their desire for bullying goes away.
Hopefully this gets special attention, and adults must be careful and willing to help to prevent bullying of minors so that the future of their students is not destroyed.


Maybe this is my opinion on Bullying, I hope this goes away in children's circles, because children are vulnerable targets and often become a den of bullying. I hope you also agree with me, thank you and see you in the next post.


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