Hello HIVE LEARNERS, how are you today ?. I hope everything is good and keep Exciting to following a new week of the Contest. That was Week-03 Edition-01 Contest.



Last week was a very exciting week with 3 very interesting contest themes. Congratulations to the winners and keep up the spirit in participating in the contest in this new week. This time we will start a new week and I'm sure this week will be much more exciting than the previous weeks and with a very light theme to discuss.

This time we will start week 3 and as usual, we will start with issue-01. Therefore, in this post I will make an entry for Edition-01 in week 3 with the theme of Favorite Sports, and here I have to explain about the sport that I like the most, and tell why I like it.
Let's take a good look...



Actually there are many sports that I like. But since then until now I really like boxing matches, I always watch boxing matches which are usually broadcast on Sunday mornings. I like many boxing players, but there are two people I really admire, namely Floyd Myweather Junior and Manny Paquiao who are legendary boxers from one of the countries in Southeast Asia. When talking about legendary boxers, we will definitely remember the two most respected people in the world of boxing, namely Mike Tyson and Mohammad Ali. They are boxers who are legends and become a guide for boxers today, they are also those who have made boxing matches very popular until now.

The world of boxing itself is a brutal and dangerous sport, many have died in the boxing ring and not a few have suffered serious injuries. Usually boxing players will bleed a lot when they are fighting and that is normal in the world of boxing. The thing that stood out the most was their faces which looked bruised from the dawn of their opponents. But, that's precisely why people like me like boxing matches, boxing matches are not only about hitting and holding punches, but also about the strategy used when fighting.


If seen at a glance, the game of boxing is a matter of hitting and hitting and the one who manages to beat his opponent to the ground, he is the winner. That is the right thing, but to do it all requires precise calculations and estimates. What must be known is, our opponent can also do the same thing, and we need a strategy to knock down our opponent without getting hit by him. Boxing games usually take place in 12 rounds for professionals and world champions, 4 to 10 rounds for boxers beginners and amateurs. For professional boxers, each round lasts for 3 minutes and 1 minute rest at each turn, while for amateur boxers each round runs for 2 minutes and 30 seconds of rest time at each turn of the round.
If there is no K.O. when the round is over, then the winner is selected by selecting the most points collected during the match.


The boxing match itself has several techniques that are part of the boxing. First, boxing has a Jab, which is a piercing movement towards the opponent either in the face or to the body. This technique is an opening punch and boxing sport, this punch can be said to be not too dangerous and they do it with their weakest hands.

The second is Strike or Cross , which is a powerful targeted punch that aims to hit the opponent in one attack, this movement is usually in combo with the initial movement, namely Jab. This move is done using their strongest hand and aiming for the body part with the weakest defense and opens up during the opening move, Jab. This punch is very dangerous if it is hit right in the nose because this punch will break the nose of a boxing athlete if it is hit by a strike from the opponent.

The Third is Hook, which is a blow that is done for close range with great power, and this attack can target the face, stomach, and even the ribs of the opponent. This hit is done while rotating the wrist that bends towards the target and usually this attack is done sideways and not done from in front of the opponent. This punch is so powerful that when hit, it can knock down the opponent in one combo.

And lastly is the uppercut, and this is an attack that boxers often don't predict. This punch is directed from the bottom and aims at the opponent's chin. This punch is a high-powered punch that comes from below and sometimes goes unnoticed. If hit by this blow, the opponent will bounce and even be able to throw the teeth protector worn by the boxer. This punch is a very fatal blow and can break the jaw if it is a boxer with a very large punch.


For the equipment used by boxing athletes, boxing gloves, of course, which aim to avoid injury to the opponent when launching a punch, although in the end a boxer will still be bruised and bleeding, but when they don't use boxing gloves, it will definitely tear the skin their faces and lips so it gets worse. In addition, they also have to use teeth pritector to keep their teeth from being hit, they usually wear shorts so that they can move freely. And finally they use special shoes for boxers in order to avoid slipping when moving fast.


I really like watching boxing matches, I think boxing matches are something unique and one of martial arts. Unlike other martial arts, boxing is about immobilizing an opponent with a combination of punches and in short, unpredictable moves. I saw a lot of strategies used in boxing matches, and this was very interesting, and I also learned little by little about boxing and practiced it in an effort to defend myself from various attacks from the enemy.

For me, martial arts or boxing is a universal sport without any cultural elements and involving the origins of this martial art. And this is very important to me.


That's a little explanation of my favorite sport, I hope you like it too, and I hope this article is useful and adds insight. See you in another post, and stay motivated to take part in the contest at HIVE LEARNERS.


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