Hello HIVE LEARNERS and Happy Tuesday. How are you today ?, i hope everyone is good today, and keep exciting to following Week-02 Editions-02 Contest.



One week has passed, and last week's contest went very well. Now we start in the second week and it seems to be getting more and more exciting. As you know, this time I will make a post for my entry in the W2E3 contest this time entitled "A Traditional Wedding Ceremony" where here I require myself to explain the wedding ceremony in my area and it is an interesting discussion.
So, let's see what people in my area do when they have their wedding ceremony.


Marriage is something that is eagerly awaited by lovers of course. This also makes the wedding event something that is very coveted by everyone. From the past until now, the wedding is a sacred event as well as a special event. In general, this event was attended by many invited guests, both the groom and the bride, not only that, there were also many local residents who attended this magnificent event.
In the event, there are also many food dishes with various kinds, usually the food is devoted to guests and relatives who come from far away. What makes the difference is the ceremonial process carried out at the event. Of course, each region has its own customs and culture to hold a wedding ceremony.
It's the same in my country, Indonesia. There are many tribes and their own culture when carrying out their wedding ceremony including in my places Aceh province. And here I will discuss one of the things that is done at the wedding ceremony in Aceh, Indonesia.



Before holding a traditional ceremony, we usually prepare a place for the bride and groom, we usually call it the "Aisle". This place is prepared the day before the wedding ceremony begins, usually we hire a special person who is in charge of decorating the place for the bride and groom. The place is used after the ceremony takes place, but gradually, this decorated place becomes part or property of the place where the wedding ceremony takes place.

FYI, Aceh traditional ceremony held at my place will take place twice. The first took place at the bride's residence with the name "Preh Linto" and again at the groom's residence with the name is "Intat dara Baro".


Our traditional wedding ceremony aims to entertain special invited guests both from the groom and from the bride. Usually the most festive is the "Preh Linto" ceremony, which is a ceremony held at the bride's residence to wait for guests from the groom. The ceremony was lively because the ceremony was the first to be held and had an additional ceremonial process. Usually the party waiting for the invited guests has prepared a special dish that will be eaten by the invited guests, and vice versa, the invited guests will also bring souvenirs and traditional specialties as a sign of tribute.

Usually special invited guests arrive a little late, this is intended so that the organizers have additional time to prepare everything. While the waiting process was in progress, the organizers had already held a party for local residents and invited guests from the organizers and this was called "Khanduri".


I want to explain a little about the traditional clothes worn by the bride and groom during the wedding ceremony. The bride usually wears a typical Indonesian dress "Kebaya Brokat" which is usually made of silk and has a Batik motif embossed all over the fabric, for the colors we usually use pastel and yellow colors. The rest are special jewelry and knick-knacks that are used specifically for the bride and groom, these jewelry and knick-knacks are not used in events other than weddings. The bride and groom also use a special headdress or crown as a traditional dress. For the bride and groom rarely use dresses, they use trousers with the same material as their "Kebaya" and they use "Songket" cloth at the waist to cover their knees.

FYI Songket cloth is a special cloth from the Aceh region, in Indonesia, this cloth is an original woven cloth that has an expensive price. This cloth has been our traditional cloth from the first. ( You can see the pink Songket cloth, which the bride and groom wear on their waists. )

The groom will use a black suit while still using the "Songket" cloth. What is unique in Indonesia is that, in every traditional wedding, the groom always carries a traditional weapon, be it a Traditional Dagger, Traditional Knife, Keris, or etc, which is attached to their waist. If you look in the photo, you will see the blade of the dagger that the groom is holding on their front belly. In the past, this dagger was a real dagger that was very sharp, because it was dangerous for some people to bring a replica of it to the wedding ceremony. This traditional dagger or weapon will always be held as long as he is still wearing traditional clothes.


The highlight of the wedding ceremony is the Marriage contract, I think all marriages must do something like this and maybe it's just a slightly different form and way of doing it. Marriage contract or we call it "Akad Nikah" is a sacred event carried out by the groom and the head of the village. Also witnessed by the parents of the bride and groom who also participated in the ceremony. As you know, the marriage contract is done by saying the words of the agreement which is a sacred thing in a wedding procession.

In Indonesia and also in Aceh, where the majority of the population is Muslim, the marriage contract is usually carried out with the groom holding the hand of the headmaster tightly, saying the sentence of agreement and ending with the reading of a prayer. Usually after that they sign the marriage certificate, as well as their respective marriage books.


Usually after the traditional wedding ceremony, the bride and groom usually take a photo with the families of the bride and groom, their close friends and others. The photo session will also be open to the public for those who want to take pictures with them. And this is where the use of the decorated place that I discussed earlier, the bride and groom will sit in that place while taking pictures with family and people.


That's the traditional wedding ceremony that is done in my area of ​​Aceh, Indonesia. Hope you guys like it and hopefully add to your knowledge about traditional culture in Aceh and Indonesia. See you in another post, and keep up the enthusiasm to participating in the contest.


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