Hello Hive Learners, how are you today ?, i hope everyone is good and welcome to week 10.


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This week we will start with the first edition in week 10. The previous week was very exciting with various titles and very interesting discussions. Every week more and more contestants are entering to enter the contest and I think this week there will be more contestants who will also enter to show their best contestant posts.
As previously announced, this first issue of week 10 discusses ourselves if we had a 10-minute chance to go back in time, what important things would we do during those 10 minutes and how we could use it. For that, let's see my story this time.



Time is of course very valuable for anyone and anytime. Everything we do is inseparable from the time series that runs, therefore, time is very valuable even if it is only 10 minutes.
If I could go back in time for even 10 minutes, I would try not to antagonize the people I used to be against and try to help everyone around me. I realized that I lived among the mistakes I had made a lot, my childish nature and so on that made me always at odds with other people because of it. When I was young I also made a lot of mistakes which made my parents angry and I will correct them as best I can if I have 10 Minutes.


If I had 10 minutes to go back in time, I would try to find the best solution for every problem that happened to me, instead of solving it with high emotions. of course high emotions sometimes lead to a loss of common sense and make us irrational.
As a boy who was just entering his teens, I used to face a problem very often with high emotions, and I only realized now that emotions can't solve problems, they make things worse. Maybe in the past many of my friends saw this trait and the way I solve a problem with high emotions and for them I am a person they don't deserve to be imitated, and I want to fix that if I can go back to the past even if only for 10 minutes.


If I get 10 minutes to go back in time, I will try my best to help others, giving the useful things I have to those in need. When I was a child, of course there were a lot of unused items, and at that time we never thought about donating them and instead threw them away when they were no longer needed because we thought our parents would buy them a new one. Maybe when we were little we could whine to ask for it but when we grow up, all things will be very useful even for a piece of plastic bag that we get when we shop at the market. Therefore, if I could go back in time, I would keep my things and not throw them away, give them to friends or other people in need when I don't need them anymore and donate them if I have a lot.


When I was a kid, I was a person who really didn't want to try new things that I still considered foreign, I didn't even pay attention to those who advised me to do it, including my own parents. It turns out that this attitude makes me look very stupid when I look at my old self, when my friends learn new things I don't even want to do it and when my friends grow I'm still primitive about things just because I don't want to learn it. As an adult, I realized that if I diligently studied new things around me, I would be able to develop well and I would be more mature than my other friends. It's true that regret will come late, that's why if I have time even if it's only 10 minutes, I will fix it immediately so that my future will be brighter.

Of course, there's a lot to do with positive things that I've neglected in the past. 10 minutes may not be enough to fix everything, but those are some of the important things I want to improve in my past life.


Those are some discussions from me if I had 10 minutes to go back in time. Hope you guys like it and see you in another contest post.


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