Hello Hive Learners, how are you today ?, i hope everyone is good and still exciting to following the contest until the end

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Week 42 was very exciting starting from the first, second, to the last edition. Many contestants are displaying their best writing and many of them have already started writing contest posts. Unfortunately, the fun in week 42 has to end and this time we will enter the last edition of the week, but the fun will still continue in the weeks to come and more and more contestants will be waiting for the fun in the weeks to come come such. In the last issue of week 42, we will discuss the targets or achievements that we will achieve in the next year especially in Hive platform, as you all know that 2022 will change in a few moments and this will mark a new page and a new adventure that will begin. Therefore, of course, we have targets and goals that we are prepared to live this full year, and I will also explain a little about this in this post.


The turn of the year will take place in a few moments and at this time we will celebrate it with great joy, lots of memories and interesting, sad and joyful things that have happened in the past year, especially for the world of Hive itself. Many changes have taken place on the Hive platform in the last year, many events and joys, any of which can be taken as lessons and also guidelines for us for our progress within the Hive platform itself. One thing that has improved over the past year is the increasing number of Hive users and this is a good achievement, of course. But behind it all, of course there is a goal, and something to be achieved for everyone who is just starting everything in Hive or for those who are old and experienced in this platform. The goals and aspirations that you want to achieve in Hive will certainly make this platform grow rapidly in the future and this is a positive thing, moreover many people will achieve their goals here making this platform even more bigger and more complex.


All goals and aspirations certainly will not work without effort and strong intentions. Many people have pinned their dreams on the Hive platform, including myself and many of them have a strong determination to achieve them. It is undeniable that when starting out in Hive we must first start, learn from other users, interact and try to find out something we don't know. Also, when I first started something on the Hive platform, I had to learn a lot, work hard, and try hard to achieve my targets, of course. Of course, in a year or two, my target has not been fully achieved, but the hope to complete it within the next year is still there.

For myself, who is still a beginner on the Hive platform, of course, I have a target to grow my account, and this is fundamental for every beginner like me. Developing my account in the sense that I have to be more active in making useful and quality posts, of course. Power up Hive so that I have more power and can contribute and help others as well as the community, of course. Making a large account is of course not easy, it takes time to do it and making the most of your time is the right step in this regard.


Maybe many people will give the same answer if we ask their goals and targets on the Hive platform, which is to become the biggest. This is not entirely wrong, but we know that all of this requires very strong processes and struggles, which sometimes when you feel the heaviness and difficulty of being the greatest, often makes people think it is impossible and feel hopeless. I've felt this way too, but I'm here to have clear goals and gradual targets to achieve them.

And for 2023 my target is to collect 10 thousand HP and I think this will be very hard to do, but with a firm intention and strong determination everything will go smoothly and target after target will be passed until we become one of the biggest.
In essence, it will come true if I do it step by step, target by target, until if I feel that I am capable of doing it then I will raise the limit to aim for a bigger target than before. I may not be able to aim to be the biggest at once, but step by step I will go through it while learning where my strengths and weaknesses are for maximum results.

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