United We Stand !

If the foundation be destroyed what shall the righteous do?” Says one of the verses of the Holy Bible.

Some of our leaders had the intention of making the world a better place before they assumed position, but they fell into the trap of the renowned saying that“If you cannot beat them, you join them”. Poor souls! They actually had the intention to make some positive change, but getting there, they discovered that they were outnumbered. The only thing they could do to survive in the tumult was to surrender and ‘adapt to the Romans’.

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I remember that during the 2015 election campaign, the former President of Nigeria, Muhammed Buhari, clamored on “CHANGE”. He promised to bring in our desired change if he was voted in. When he was eventually sworn in, the man tried to stand right so that the necessary change will be propounded and it was noticed during his first tenure. Unfortunately, because he was outnumbered, the president had to forfeit his plans and join them, and by the time he was leaving the office, the country had because worse than it was.

Humanly, I know you will find it easy to point fingers at these people. So would i. But checking ourselves, assume this, “If I were to find myself in this position, will I do it better?” Hmm… Profound!

I remember vividly a certain day that the chairman of a community came to buy foodstuffs at my mother's shop. Due to the rate at which things had become expensive, he began to complain about the government and how cruel they are and that sparked up the conversation.
I asked him, “You are also a leader, do you think you are doing it right?”

I asked him that question because, I got wind of an incidence that happened in his community. Their transformer blew up, and they needed a new transformer to get power supply. The whole community needed to contribute money to get a new transformer, but until the time the conversion came up. The transformer was not provided, and the people complained that the money they contributed was nowhere to be found.

When I directed that question to him, he could not give a straightforward answer . All that came out of his lips was, of course, a sigh and “God will help every one of us.”

The stage which the world is hinged on right now, getting change is not easy. No! It cannot be gotten on a platter of gold. A single “me” cannot bring the necessary change that the world requires.

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You and I are needed. We need to work together with one body, soul, and mind. We need to speak the same language, which is “UNITY.”

Not considering our continents, races, color, countries, tribes, and tongues. We have to see ourselves as one. “United we stand, divided will fall.
The world must become one family. Though we have our differences that shouldn't separate us, the world cannot become a better place if we don’t have one voice.

For the world to become a better place, we must think about others.

Not only about me, myself and I!

If we think of our neighbor next to door, the beggar on the street and how to help someone out there. The world will become a better place.
Let us show some love to the less privileged around us, the ones that need our material things.

Together, we can make the world become a better place!

Thanks for visiting my blog 🥰

Grateful Heart ❤️

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