Yes, I know it’s late. But “it’s better late than never”

Due to the Examination I was writing, I was unable to carry out last week's task. Though I tried and made sure I did the one given two weeks ago, but last week I couldn't, due to the nature of the courses was to write examinations on.

And you know, though this initiative is important, I think on a scale of preference, I should attend to my examination first. Thanks for your understanding.😊


I took permission from my Team leader @glorydee , and she said I can still write it this week. She is very cool and has a nice and large heart.

During the exam I was able to secure a partner @eunice9200 we discussed, and I told her I may post late, and she was cool with it.

The tutorial for the week was anchored by @starstrings01 and @moremoney28


How do you distinguish tags from tokens? What are the similarities and differences, as well as the types involved?

TAGS: We make use of them at the end of a post so that the post can appear in the right community and can be visible to curators. Examples of tag. #vyb, #pimp, #neoxian and so on.

TOKENS:They are coins created by community, to reward posts in their community, and can also be earn by using community tags. Examples includes pimp, neoxag, leo and the likes.

*The only similarity is that, the tokens belong to the same community you use their tags. *

Select at least two random community tribes of your choice and explore their frontend and give us a review of what you think after going through your profile and feeds.

Neoxian: Going through Neoxian frontend. I love the way my profile was displayed and the way the feeds were arranged. Very easily and straight forward.


Inleo: to be candid i prefer Inleo frontend to that of neoxian.
I find it very easy to explore. It shows thread and even displayed them in different categories


I have some rewards, but I don’t know how to utilize them, hoping to learn more.

What are tipping tokens? Give two examples and abuse of the service?

Tipping tokens means gifting of tokens to others on the blockchain in order to appreciate people's work.
For example:
LUV share: it allows you to spread love to any Hive user by replying the post with their post with the command !LUV. To trigger this, you must have at least 10LUVbot

LOH token: it its own by the ladies, and you can activate it when you have at least 25LOH. To issue the command, you will use !LADYS

As a newbie, I never knew that this is valuable. Cause had seen some of this in my comment's session, but I assumed. They are normal appreciation. Thanks to the newbies initiative.

Buy and sell a token or any Hive Engine token of your choice. Show the process you choose to make this transaction, with the necessary screenshots.
I will be buying and selling neotag tokens for this task.

For this task I will be buy and sell neoxag

First thing is to convert some amount of Hives into swap.hive, because that is the recognized currency to trade tokens.
Using Hive Keychain for the process, login to browser.


Input the link


Note: You have to login to BeeSwap before your liquid balance can show.
To login press the three lines up and one of the options it will display is login.



Then proceed to convert


With Hive up and swap.hive down

Then proceed to to make the transaction


Before purchase


My balance after purchase.
I also went ahead and sell following the same process.


Have to reduce the price in order make fast transaction.


It was actually interesting doing this. I would have missed a lot assuming I did not carryout this task.

I want to use this opportunity to say a big THANK YOU to @vickoly and @glorydee

Thanks for visiting my blog❤️

Grateful ❤️

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