Newbies Task 3: Hive Keys And How To Keep Them Save.

This semester has been the toughest I have ever had, we started our first semester examination on Monday, and all glory to God, though he has been helping, but the exam has not been that friendly.


I was thinking of taking permission from writing on the tasks of this week, but I had a rethink about it that if I don't Partake in this task, I may forget some important details. And there is a saying that goes thus “practice makes perfect” I may need to explain this to someone in the future. Thank God I was able to join the tutorial and I understood all that was taught. Kudos to our teachers.

This week's tutorial was anchored by @depressedfuckup and @starstring01
But @depressedfuckup was the main teacher. He explains at length Hive keys, the importance of keeping our keys safe and the danger of it getting into the wrong hands.

Note: without these keys, to recover your account is impossible.


Question 1

If your partner for the week from the Newbies initiative mistakenly dropped their active key on Discord channel, highlight the various steps you will indulge to keep such account assets safe from potential thief?

My partner for this is @ginika, if I find out that she mistakenly drop her active key In any discord channel.

  • The first thing I will do is to call her attention to it so that she can delete it. I pray she will be reachable at that moment.

  • To be on the safer side, I will implore her not to assume her account is still safe. I will also advise her to transfer all her liquid assets to another account that she trusts, after that, she needs to change her passwords or keys.

  • To change her keys, she needs to log into her account, go to her wall under her picture, there is setting. Besides the setting, she will see three dots.


  • Click on the dots, and it will take her to a different phase with different options. She clicks on keys and permission.


  • It takes her to another phase that one of the options says change password.


  • To change password there is a space for Owner’s key.
    With the availability of owner’s keys,
    Proceed with the main objectives.


Question 2

What advice would you give to your friend in regard to safe keeping his or her Hive key?

I will advise him or her to save it as a draft on his or her e-mail and must be careful with the storage, he or she can decide to take away a letter that can easily be remembered by him/her or can replace the letter with a number that will be related to the alphabet for example letter E for 5 letter I for 9 in order for it to be protected from hackers.

Also, the use of Keychain App, is also one of the best ways to save your keys.
Before you can log into keychain, it will need your biometrics and also your personal password.

To safeguard your key, you can also encode it in your diary the best way you think you can. For example, you can write it backward or change the alphabet to numbers.

Also, during the tutorial it was suggested that Google Chrome can be used to save keys. But it is not safe, only if one can use it wisely!

This made me to remember the words of my on boarder @vickoly, he said, and I quote “don't click on any link you are not sure of, or better still inform me before you click on any link.” He is cool, right?😁 I will also add this advice to it.

Question 3

Assuming your partner does not understand the use of each of these keys , how do you explain this to him or her in the simplest way?

Hive Keys

There are 5 powerful keys on hive and they serve different purposes.

  • Memo key:It is used to send and receive encrypted or private messages . It is the least powerful key and the least used of all.
  • Master key:To recover your passwords or key, you will need you master key.
  • Active key: It is used for financial transaction, it can also be used for high power up or down the conversion of HPD, transferring of liquid assets and so on.
  • Owner’s key: It is the most powerful of the keys. It is used to generate other keys, including master keys. in case you discover you are careless with your keys, and you feel insecure, you use the owner's key to change all other keys.
  • Posting key:It is the one we use for posting, commenting, following other accounts, voting, blogging and so on.

In summary, though all keys are powerful, but Active Key and Master key are the most powerful of them all.

Thanks for visiting my blog 🥰

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