Hope To Live It Better.

I looked up at the sky yesterday and actually loved what I saw.You need to take a picture of this, says my friend, she knows I love clouds and I do take a lot of it's pictures!

I did a bit of editing and fell much more in love with it.


In the picture you can see the setting sun, trees and buildings, but there is a man on this lonely road with his head down.It speaks volumes to me now while thinking about life. Is it possible to reincarnate?

If I come again will I choose to live this type of life? I mean this very one, I won't!

I won't, not because it is that bad, not because I am the most wretched of all,
But because of the time I wasted in ignorance.The time I should have invested in building myself.The time I should have used in discovering who I am.

Don't blame me, then I was one of the people that said whatever will be will be.
I didn't know that there is actually a place of making, there is a place of hard work, there is a place of searching for answers to all the questions of life.

Right now, it's not like all hope is lost, I'm still in my early twenties and there is still time to cover up.But, how do you think it would have been if I had started earlier? I know sometimes life is unpredictable.Nevertheless we need to try it.


My country.A country where every youth wants to japa (leave).
We are wailing and complaining about the situation of this country, but it is like our voices are not reaching the top.Bad governance, lack of employment, insecurity, name it and almost everything bad is found in my country.Most of us are educated, but the rate of unemployment is high!

One of my lecturers said.Why are you in this situation? It is because we are taught to become employees, not an employers.We are all looking for jobs, but new business ideas are not in the market.

We all should try and become employer of labor.We need to become entrepreneurs.If we can wake up and try to see the needs of others then we see countless opportunities around us.

Our leaders have missed it, so we should learn from their mistakes.
Though some measures are being put in place now.It seems too late, but it's never too late when it's not late!

I will choose this country over and over again, until we get it right.I won't give up because there are a lot of raw materials we are yet to tap into, not necessarily in the form of natural resources but in form human resources.I pray we realize this soon.


My gender is the best you could ever wish to be.The Bible described my gender as a helper.Between the helper and the help, which one is superior?
Thinking about it?

I came in peace

Women are precious. He that find the good one's find a good thing and if you can work on the bad ones, you won't regret it.

image source

We are the salt of the earth.Though we are fragile, yet we are the strongest.Men can do a lot of hard work but, they can't endure half of the pain we endure.

We are emotional beings. We are manipulative in nature.Show me a strong man, that a woman cannot bring down, except the ones that has backing from the Most High.

Let me stop here before men come for me.

Ladies in the house, I hope I'm not alone?

To my beautiful gender. We are the best, irrespective of our shape, or our skin.We are fearful and wonderfully made.


I love my family, they will always remain the best gift heaven has given me.
They tried their best to give me the life they could, but if I come to them again, I will request that God should prosper them more than their current state because they want to do more, but the money is not available.


I will change my view about life, as I said earlier.I wasn't opportunity to see life the way it really is.I may be born poor, but the decision to remain poor is on my hand.
We all came here alone.Though factors around us contribute a lot to our lives.But they are not the main dictator in our life.

I know most of us have one thing or the other to change. If this golden opportunity is given to us. Yours is different from mine, but I hope we will be given the grace to remember our past life so that we can make better choices because if we didn’t remember. There is a possibility of making the same mistake.

Thanks for visiting my blog 😊

Grateful Heart ❤️

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