Order and balance in our lives.

It is a pleasure to participate in this week's topic #3 in the community: HiveLearners. This time we will talk about a deep and very personal topic.


Trying to maintain a balance in our lives may seem simple, but it depends on each person, as it can influence the way of thinking or your environment, so it can also be very complex. Nowadays, many people live an accelerated and stressful life due to their work obligations or their studies, for that reason it is necessary to take some time to try to be healthy in different aspects.

Here are some suggestions or strategies that I put into practice to maintain a balance in my life.

  • Normally I always try to keep myself in good physical and mental condition; doing exercises contributes to have a better performance in our tasks and to avoid fatigue, breathing exercises are also important. In this way we keep our body and mind stable.

  • I am constantly organizing my schedules or routines, create a list of tasks for each day of the week, so we can try to perform on a daily basis, besides avoiding stress due to lack of time. This is a good way to avoid wasting time and in the case of not doing a task we can find spaces in our agenda and do it in some free time of our day.

  • The environment or everything that surrounds us is vital, that is why it is necessary to have hygiene and feel comfortable with our home and our work place. This is a way to maintain order and feel comfortable with the environments we are usually in.

  • Strict routines can be exhausting, so it is vital to break the routine or spend so many hours doing the same task, for this it is necessary to go for a walk or clear the mind, also meditate or practice some activity helps to improve our performance and not to fall into the routine.

How to maintain balance in life.


To maintain balance I put into practice most of the tips I mentioned above, but it is also necessary to have strength, we must not let ourselves be carried away by bad habits. In order to feel stable, everything depends on a combination of physical, mental and spiritual.

From my point of view, as long as we have a positive attitude, everything will flow correctly in our lives, that is, not having weight of conscience and being a healthy person allows us to have a better performance and balance in our lives.

It is possible to maintain this lifestyle.

It is complicated to maintain some habits, we are human, and sometimes we can have good times and sometimes bad times, so it is important to have something that motivates or inspires us to have constancy to maintain a good lifestyle. There are several ways to find motivation, whether it is setting a goal, the love for our family or even motivating us by listening to our favorite song.

Life is very changeable, but it depends on ourselves to maintain a good balance and be able to make the best decisions.


In this way I say goodbye, I hope to meet the expectations and be to the liking of those who read this publication.

Written in Spanish and translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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