Advancements and Controversies: Scientific experiments and medicine today.

It is a pleasure to participate again in the weekly contest of the community: Hive Learners. For many years science has made several important discoveries and developments, but sometimes they need to experiment with animals or humans to achieve their goals. Since the 18th and 19th century several controversial events have occurred that have become popular and have been highly criticized.

For that reason in some countries laws have been created to regulate experiments on animals and also to prohibit experiments on humans. From my point of view, I believe that the worst experiments are those in which attempts are made to alter DNA or to perform some kind of mutation, since the consequences can be fatal for the test subject.


19th century experiments and present day research.

  • Most of the scientific experiments on humans were performed in the middle of the last century, mainly in times of war, where animals and humans were exposed to substances or unsuitable conditions. This caused the death of many living beings and also demonstrated the cruelty of the people who led or financed these investigations.
  • Nowadays it is uncommon to see human beings being used as guinea pigs in a legal way, but even so, in some countries there are permits to carry out research and the practices of scientists have also evolved. I consider that nowadays using implants or medicines that are not fully developed is a way of experimenting with humans, either intentionally or unintentionally, for example: breast implants composed of harmful materials or the invention of vaccines quickly and without much development, as happened with the COVID-19 vaccines.

Where science has gone too far.

It is difficult to understand how many scientists and researchers in the medical field prefer money and not the welfare of people. This is a matter of empathy, but it seems that money is the priority and there are no regulations on some types of surgeries and the substances or compound they use.

As I have already mentioned, experiments have evolved, as they claim not to be performed with intention, but in some cases they are performed in a hidden way, that is why many deaths have occurred. In the area of cosmetic surgeries in the past decade many implants were used that caused long term damage to the body, so it is incredible that this has not been detected by experts in science and medicine.

Compounds have also been used that cause damage to the skin or other organs, previously in the medical field all surgeries or interventions were performed for health, and today it is for banality. There should be regulations to prevent bodies from being damaged or altered to extreme levels.

Where science is most needed and not really felt.


Although there are already researchers conducting studies to find a cure for some serious diseases, I believe that it is necessary that organizations or countries invest more in this type of research associated with health in order to achieve the preservation of life and accelerate the research process that allows the creation of drugs for the cure of some serious diseases. Also, more projects should be developed to help low-income people to have access to health centers for a low cost.


In this way I say goodbye, I hope to meet the expectations and be to the liking of those who read this publication.

Written in Spanish and translated with (free version)

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