This should be enough


I don't know why I find the questions very funny but why should I pass on something to them, the only thing the three-generation before me passed on to me was excess hair and the hair makes me look older than my age, imagine someone asking if your elder brother is your junior brother or if you guys are twin, that's not good but I thought about it again and want to be better than my ancestors.

So I thought about the three things I'm going to like to pass to my generation and the first one is excess money, I heard my grandparent were very rich but I don't know how they didn't pass any of their wealth to me because life would have been much easier for me and even when the world know money can't buy happiness which it is true but money can buy freedom which I find very important to everyone's life.
That feeling of knowing that you are free to pursue your goals in life, that freedom from poverty and hunger is a huge thing for me, and even if they would have other issues in life because life can't always be roses and gold, I don't want money to one those issue.

What's the benefit of passing on so much wealth to them if they don't have discipline, that is the second one I want to pass to them. I don't want a situation whereby I will be looking down from heaven and seeing them squander my hard-earned money which is now theirs. I can say I have discipline when it comes to spending money though I'm still working more because sometimes I just throw my discipline away and spend lavishly on unnecessary things which I later blame myself for, the discipline to spend less and invest right should be pass on from generation to generation because looking at the world right now, we completely lack the discipline when it comes to spending our money because we believe it our money which later ends us up in regrets.

I would also like to pass on to them the level of my trust in people, which comes in two ways. I trust you, I trust your words and I trust you as my friend but I also trust you to snitch on me. A lot of us these days forget the reality that people change and anyone can snitch on us. If I'm able to pass this on, it will definitely help me to know that they are all alone and not to rely on anyone. Once they can live their life with that thinking, it hurt less when someone does them wrong, and it becomes easy for them to move on. This might sound weird but it is important because this has helped me a lot in life. It doesn't make me too comfortable around people and too confident in them.

I still have a lot more I would want to pass on to them but we are just allowed to give them three and I also want them to live their life and not my life so if these three things are what they get from me, I know it enough.

Do have a lovely Thursday everyone

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