So stressful


In my country, working and schooling at the same time are not advisable due to our zero work and education flexibility, trust me I know what I'm talking about.

I remembered when I got into Lagos State Polytechnic weekend part-time study in 2015, I shouldn't have applied for part-time studies then but due to no financial support, I had no choice because I was a bit younger than part-time study actually. Everyone thinks the weekend part-time study is actually for the old ones but let me burst your head.
We had a lot of students below 20 in my department (computer science ) then due to not getting admission on time or maybe they offer them evening part-time which is the same 3 years as the weekend studies.

Back to what I was saying, I need to go to work Monday to Friday and then go to school on Saturday and Sunday. Can you see how stressful it is, we all know Nigeria's work hour is mostly 12 hour. It is almost the same for people that work in the bank, some places may be less than that but I'm definitely sure it won't be below 10 hours. I work as a paster and the work payment is paid as wage based on what you do, so I need to work more if I want to earn more.

There are days I work till 2 am, I tend to leave work early on Friday so I can do my laundry, then Saturday as early as 5 am I need to up and prepare for school. It takes me two hours from my house to school but glory be to God, I have a friend places I stay on Saturday night then I go back to school on Sunday. What if I don't have a friend around that area so I have to spend 4 hours on the road or sleep in a church nearby the school or maybe inside my classroom if it is allowed?

There was this day my lecturer said there will be a lecture as early as 7 pm, it was on Saturday which happen to be the last Saturday, which we normally don't have to go to school till past 10 am I had to leave my house as early as 4:30 am so I can make it to class and sometimes we stay in school till 6 pm receiving lectures.

It got to a point I started missing lectures because work need more attention which is what lead to me dropping out of school. I can't say of other countries but in my country, I won't advise anyone to do if you don't have a financial backup and your work is not flexible.

Thanks and happy weekend

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