I hope we all get better


Mentalhealth is also part of the health bills honestly but I think it's just people who don't really take note of their mental health maybe because it is not something treated with meds or needles actually and this is sad because the world we are in today finds so much joy in destroying people's mental health than helping them build it and they do this through the internet which they know even our grandfather in their 80s uses.
Just because they know people use the internet a lot, they tend to push what would actually drain you than lift you, and one way or the other they have convinced people to believe that kind of stuff, I'm not pointing fingers at any one but imagine the internet pushing it to people that taking drugs, either coke or meth is one way to help you out when you are down bad, nowadays you see musician proudly sing about smoke as been helping then stay sane in life and you see people imitating what that paricular person said probably because the person is their mentor or they think the person is an icon whereby someone out there is making a video on how to take care of your mental health maybe it yoga, writing down whatever you going through, it might be about joining a group of people or talking to someone that understands you and the media blocks those content from going viral and that's how people successfully single-handedly throw away their life.

For me mental health is a thing of the mind, we all were not created to have great minds from the start but we can build ourselves into whatever we want and for me in person, I got matured at a very early age. I mean those ages when I'm still supposed to run around in my underwear and do all sorts of childish play and I guess this is one of the reasons that had helped my mind become this strong. One other thing is also accepting reality, some people still live in the movie mindset and this means they believe life to be the same thing as it is in the movies which is wrong. I understand that life doesn't care about you, the same thing as lot of people don't care which really made me strive to earn whatever I own and not go around looking for handouts, be ready to be rejected even by family.

Other things are, nothing is permanent in life, people change, people are not who they say they really are, expect people to always do you wrong than to do you right, don't try to mingle where you don't fit, always know when to leave or say stop and I know you might think this are all bunch of quotes instead of me saying go to yoga, get books and read, join a group or something which are actually great and might help but for me all this thing you might think are craps is actually how life works.
This doesn't mean I don't get sad when things don't go my way or when someone I thought would stay actually leaves but one thing for sure is I'm just sad and it would even have a scratch on me and this is because I have learned to face reality and understand the way life works.

I hope you actually learn something and I hope it helps actually? Let love lead always.

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