As much as I love it rain, it also makes me sad

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Truth be told I'm someone who likes cold weather because my body is one of those bodies that sweat a lot, especially my face, I have an oily face that doesn't do well when the weather is hot, my face will be looking like that of pig skin and again I'm allergic to dust, and what I mean by that is, it doesn't have to be a lot of dust just a little dust to my nose would make me almost sneeze my brain out, it makes me and people who don't understand me so uncomfortable. I love it when the weather is cold(harmattan) or when it's raining because I'm not much of an outdoor person.

Right now it is the rainy season where I'm from and it's not doing any good, it would have been better if it is not raining every day, and not just an hour I mean it rains for more than 15 hours some days and some more than that, not always heavy but enough to prevent you from going anywhere, keeping the kids from going to school, store and shops closing early, increase in transport fare also because motorbikes won't work and you can't get tricycle or board a bus until you get to the main road which is #100 bike from my house.


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Another way it has affected is that there is no long walk with your partner or friends because you live in an area that the road is bad and also taking motorcycle is risky because the road has too much potholes, every one of those holes are filled with dirty water makes it not safe because they can't see the road it just riding experiences.
Even if you have a car in this type of weather it has to be in good shape because bad roads and rain would make your car break down easily in the middle of the road.
It hasn't affected me that much because the only thing is have been putting on socks since the rain started because of the cold floor and I notice it affect my knee likewise people with leg injury would actually go through and also not making laundry easy to do.

People who sell cold drinks now are low on sales because of the weather, even the market woman who has no store or shop would find it difficult to make sales because they only pay for space and advertise whatever they are selling.

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A lot of road have turned into rivers, houses have turned into pools and it breaks my heart to even know that some people live in houses that are even strong enough to withstand the rain. It is sad but what can we do? The rain is a blessing from the heaven, it refreshes the body and plants.

We can always put on sweater, take hot tea or coffee when the weather is cold, sit beside the fire but what do we do with bad road (sad)?

The rain won't even allow me finish before it starts, how long till it stops? (Smile)

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