How I coped with stress in this current situation



Stress is one of the most common and debilitating symptoms of people. With increasing population and job pressure's, people looking for solutions to manage their stress. If you are one among them then you are in luck! This article provides you with few tips that helped me to fight against stress.

Here are some tips that helped me cope with stress!

1. Acknowledge the stress and begin to understand it: Take a few moments to recognize how you feel in the moment. Notice how you’re breathing, what thoughts are running through your mind, and how your body is feeling.

2. Identify the stressor: What is causing the stress? Is it a specific event or situation? Is it a pattern of behaviors that make you feel overwhelmed?

3. Make an action plan for managing your stress: Identify short-term strategies that will help you deal with the source of your stress and long-term strategies that will help reduce its impact on your life.

4. Avoid alcohol and drugs that can add to your stress: Alcohol and other substances like caffeine can make you feel temporarily relaxed but they are also dehydrating and addictive. Drugs can also cause memory loss and addiction problems which can be hard to break even after quitting. Use relaxation techniques like, meditation, deep-breathing, or exercise.

5. Seek support from friends and family, a therapist or a support group: You may want to talk about your feelings with someone who has been through similar experiences (maybe with the same problem). You may also want to talk about the stressors in your life with a friend or relative who understands what you are going through. Someone who has been through similar issues can help you get through the rough times and find ways to cope with them better. There are many different types of support groups available today that can help you deal with stressful situations in your life.


Try to be mindful of your stress and how it is affecting your life. If you're feeling overwhelmed by work or other responsibilities, recognize that it is not just a mental health issue. You also have physical health that needs attention, so don't ignore your physical needs. Thanks for your time.

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