YOUTH CRIME; A NATIONAL ISSUE ||Week 09:- Edition 01

Hello and welcome to my page. I'm @daniky and here is my entry to the weekly featured content for week 8 edition 3. This post is in response to the question asked, stating that;

"A lot of youths these days find themselves committing crimes for various reasons known to them. From peer pressure to just the basic need to survive... What are your thoughts on this? Why do you think crime among the youths has been on the increase? And what ways do you think they can be stopped?"


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Youth crime has because a serious issue in the nation and this is not really a new thing but something that have been in reoccurrence for a longtime. Many organisations, communities and group today are not safe due to youth criminal activities that has been on the increase. Many aged today are the genesis of these criminal activities and this is meaning due to the bad level of leadership we have in most countries of the world today.

Technological advancement has help to improve the level of criminal activities by these youths of now adays. Many software system engineers would rather go learn hacking, cybercrimes, networking scam and many other unlawful courses which may hamper the growth of economic development within a nation. Many youths in leaderships today are corrupt and would rather prefer to employ corrupt people like them as well. Many of youths today are embezzlers. They embezzle public and private funds, covid-19 perlative funds, salaries and investment funds. This has been one of the concerned issues in Nigeria and i hope the situation gets resolved soon.

Below are possible reasons why crimes amidst the youths has been on the increase;

  1. Poor parental Upbringing: It is usually said that charity begins at home. The Holybook often tells us to train up our child in the way they should go so that when they becomes old they will never depart from it. Many touts of today were raised by one parent or guardian. So our upbring matters a lot more than anything as it tells alot about our outcome in life. Our attitude shows our identity and this is something that mustn't be handled with levity. Besides getting positive training from your parent you are advised to retrain yourself in every positive ways of life wherever you finds yourself because whatever you end up becoming will definitely have an impact in your future life and that of your children as well.

  2. Negative peer groups: Bad groups are costudians of bad characters wgich include crime. Gangsterism, confraternities of bad secret societies and many more are group influenced attributes which is said to be against the rules and ethics of a community or country. Bad friends influences you with bad character which might later lead to regrets if not sorted timely. So, it's advisable to be careful of whom you associate as friend and never let yourself be influenced by bad friends ad you're accountable to how you use your life.

  3. Poverty: This has been the major reasons for crimes of many youth today. Where there's no money or food, the victim may end up as either a prostitute, robber, armed robber, higher assasin, money launders, embezzlers and many more. Poverty is a disease and should be avoided by all means by taking the needful step which are said to be ethical as well and hardwork.

  4. Unemployment: Many youths and graduates today are unemployed and this calls for concern especially in Nigeria amd and many other African countries. Where there's no job to sustain a living it might result to the youth opting for crimes and this is very bad and unfair. Job security is very important to life.

Below are possible ways youth criminal activities can be regulated or stopped;

  • Provision of Employment opportunities for jobless youths
  • Establishment of NGOs set to eradicate poverty for youth empowerment
  • Life imprisonment for any one caught in any secret societies or illegal confraternities.
  • Women empowerment programs to eradicate prostitution to be self reliant and responsible.

Hope you've been able to pick one point or the other from my writeup. I definitely know that the level of youth crimes will later become so.ething of the past one the above points are being applied rightfully. Thank you

This is my entry to the weekly feature contest for week 9 edition 1. If you're new to this platform and intend to participate, kindly visit here for more update.


Thank you for your time and do have a wonderful moment



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