Week 59, Edition 1 || What I might likely do if allowed to Backdate my age


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Having the opportunity to reduce my age will help me amend lots of things right from the choices I have made in my past. Though it's not the right thing to do as a person to backdate one's age, but the situation we find ourselves in We usually pray to God to help us to utilise our age wisely. One of the things I'll do is to run my PhD program as this will qualify me for jobs that is highly recommended for young doctors. Achieving such a landmark will of course make me more fulfilled than my present status.

Many jobs within the country that require applicants between a very young age range (e.g 21 to 27years) and having a working experience requirement of at least 5 to 15years are very common in Nigeria. Many Employer agents are not helpful at all, as they tend to leverage on extorting money from innocent applicants during recruitment processes. This area is where the use of backdating the age of an applicant is useful especially when such an application's age is above the acceptable age threshold.

Backdating my age will also mount more positive pressure and energy on me to better my life than it is. Though within me, I'll always know my real age than the officially disclosed one. This will be more like a guilty conscience within me, but since the deed is done one has to maximise such an opportunity and channel such energy towards something positive for my life and destiny. I'll like to register in beneficial associations that stays within the limit of my newly adjusted age. I'll as well, relate with many of my old age mate as well as the new ones. This will be done in order to strike a ggod balance

The age adjustment will enable me run another degree and master program on time not in the area of science but business administration. I'm a lover of finance, business and tech. It will be a great privilege to utilize this opportunity for such an awesome honour. Education is the best legacy anyone could have and be proud of.

Hope I've been able to state briefly what I'm likely to do when given the opportunity to backdate my age and provided it's not a crime to do such. This is my entry to the week 59 episode 1 of the weekly contents.

Thank you for your time, and do have an amazing moment.


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