What Comes to My Mind about Filtered Photos (Week 70 Edition 1)


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I'm a lover of photos, but I'm usually told I'm not photogenic. Due to the fact that I'm not a phototype of a person, this made me lose interest in taking snapshots of myself until i decided to get started by the use of photo filtering applications from google playstore. I started applying filtering on some of my non photogenic photos to look enhanced to me and others. So, i do take photoshots, but at seldom.

Reasons i might decide to take one or more shots per day is because of the hive ecosystem. As a blogger, one is expected to take original photos to make a post look more organised and easy to read and understand. It is expected that one must use a free image or personal life photo to buttress the points being analysed or stated. It makes the view of a post look more beautiful and presentable.

My Thoughts about the use of filter in Photos
Using a filter on photos make the looks of a person more enhanced and attractive. With filter, one can make an old person look younger, and a younger person to look older. I love using filters but I'm not used to using it as always. I'll rather choose to filter 1/10th of my photos than filter all. I'm more a lover of natural selfies than filtered version, but when it comes to photos that involve the appearance of a relief system like mountains, plateaus, valleys, rocks and so on, I'll rather prefer filtered photos for such a job. So for me, i appreciate the use of filter especially when it comes to editing of a relief sytem and profile avatars (like the one on my hive profile).

Is The Application of Filter good or Otherwise?
For me the application of filter to an image is both fantastic, and might be otherwise. Being fantastic is the sense that it makes your photos look so attractive. You may even look so adorable in your edited format to an extent you might feel more like a celebrity, but when it comes to dating sites where many singles aspiring for a life partner comes in contact with a profile that looks so adorable and photogenic, they might have fallen in love before they realise that it's a mere fantasy. This could be the downside of filtered photos most times.

Many people impersonating celebrities might decide to use their rnhanced photos for fraud and dubious unlawful gains. So this is another downside of using a filtered image. The degree or length to which you filter your image will definitely corresponds to its level of effect or appearance. There is a level the photo may look enhanced obviously than the normal.

My Take on the Use of Filter on Photos
Though using filter on photos makes them look more attractive and presentable, but when it come to showing your real self for purpose of identification to someone that requires your natural facial look who really wants to know you for who you are, it's better you use your natural image so in case your suitor meets you in person he/she will be rest assured you were truly the one see on your profile.

So, filtering your photo is a great thing to do especially when you need them most for the purpose of exhibition as we're now in the world of packaging.

Hope you pick one idea or the other from my post. I'll like to know yours as well too. This is my entry to the weekly featured content of week edition 1. For first timers and newbies, kindly join the discord group and follow the procedures to participate in this challenge.

Thank you for reading, and have a wonderful moment


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