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I was part of the few lucky ones that was given the chance to be a part of the newbies initiative and when it was announced last week, I was very excited about the news and also about what I was about to experience. I am also using this opportunity to congratulate all candidates that were selected and also thank the team behind this initiative.

This is my first task as a member on the initiative and it’s about setting goals, and specifically Hive goals. The importance of setting goals can’t be overemphasized and I think it is very crucial for a person to have a goal or set of goals that they are working towards to achieve. It gives a person directions and also help one lead a quality life.

@starstrings01 generously addressed us in the last meeting and taught us a lot of things about setting goals and especially, Hive goals. He said, while setting a goal, one must make sure the goal is S.M.A.R.T i.e Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time bound.

SPECIFIC - A goal has to be specific because you need to know what you want exactly, so as to know the right steps to take in order to achieve the goal. For example, setting a goal to reach a particular HP, specific number of followers, etc.

MEASURABLE - A goal has to have a process to follow in order to achieve it. Apparently, a goal without a process to achieve it is just a wish, so one has to make proper plans to get proper results. Example can be; to reach a particular HP, you have to write at least, thrice a day, etc.

ATTAINABLE - While setting a goal, one has to make sure that it is realistic and the process of achieving it will also determine how realistic it is. You can’t say you want to make extra 10,000 HP before the end of October🌝🌝

RELEVANT - For a goal to be attained, it needs to be relevant. It must be something you really want and is very important to you, so that you can prioritize it and achieve it.

TIME BOUND - When there is no deadline to a goal, there will be space for procrastination. A goal must have a deadline, to create a sense of urgency to attain it. It is not enough to set a goal, it is also very important to set a deadline to it. For instance, setting a specific goal to achieve it before the year runs to an end.


My partner for the week is the beautiful @beeeee and it’s been all shades of amazing to be her partner. We had an interesting conversation about the task giving to us. She joined hive in July and she is doing really well, and I am very sure that, with the goals she has set, she will do a lot better than she is, now. I am rooting for you sis!


She is very big on engagements and believes it is a major key to grow on Hive. She also thinks that one has to have a mentor on the blockchain to be able to learn from and look up to them. What stood out for her in the last meeting is ‘writing down one’s goals’. She told me her Hive goals and some are; reaching the reputation of 62, and commenting on at least, 10 posts a day.


I mentioned that holding one’s HP and even powering up helps in raising the value of hive, and also creating original contents. It is important to create original contents and avoid plagiarism at all cost. I also mentioned that engagement is very important on hive and personally , I am trying to work on engaging more on the blockchain, to encourage other authors to do the same and also stay active.


It hit different when @starstrings01 mentioned that we should learn to write our goals down, especially where we’ll always see them. He stated that just setting goals isn’t enough, it is also very important to write them down, so you’ll see them and always do things that will help you in achieving those goals. I also agree that writing our goals down is very effective in achieving them than when we don’t. The mind is very powerful and as the saying goes ‘Out of sight is out of mind’ , the sentence made a lot of sense.

He also mentioned something very important about setting Hive goals while addressing us in the last meeting. He said and I quote ‘If you don’t have a target or goal, the essence of the initiative won’t be achieved’. I realized it was important for us, the participants, to set our Hive goals in order to support the mission of the initiative.


The tutorial helped me to make my hive goals S.M.A.R.T and I also wrote them down, as advised😌.
Here are my hive goals for the next three months:

Reaching 500HP


This is what my HP looks like now and my plan to achieve my goal of reaching 500HP in the next three months is by writing at least, a post, everyday and also by engaging more on the blockchain.

Engaging on at least 10 posts a day
Another goal I have is to engage on at least 10 posts per day and my plan is to be consistent. Most times, I have network issues and get so busy with school and other activities. Now, I want to make sure one of my top priorities is being active on the blockchain and actively engaging with the other wonderful creators here. It will also help in boosting my visibility and gain more recognition.

Reaching 100 followers


I currently have 39 followers and the plan I made to achieve my goal is by connecting more with the people on the blockchain genuinely and building relationships with them.

Here are my Hive goals for the next three months.

To the wonderful team that put the @newbies-hive together, thank you so much.

@starstrings01, thank you for the tutorial, it was very educative and I will sure put it to practice in all aspects of my life.

Thanks for reading❤️

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