We are everywhere. Street can never be left out


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“Surely, the way school operates is different from what happens on the street. We go to school to learn in other to become somebody with a career. After that, we find a job and start working, that is if we are able to secure one. If not, we enter the street to hustle and fend for our needs. Some don’t even know the way to the door of a school ever since they were born. They live on the street trying to survive day by day. That has been the way the earth revolve as we live in it

I am book smart

Right from time, I’ve known that my big head doesn’t carry weight for nothing. I remembered when I was named “HAMMER HEAD OF HORROR” by my class mate because of the size of my head. I was also called “THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE” at a point, and today, people on the street call me “PROF”, but I guess that’s because of my glasses anyways. My big head had some stuff in it. I never had the opportunity to enter the street to hustle as a young lad because my dad restricted me, but I used my big head to find my way to make some cool cash in school


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Politics in my school was hot and challenging. The constitution was designed on zoning so every department have posts zoned to them and the best would compete academically to secure a place to represent the department or the faculty. Aspirants need to merit 3.5 points for eligibility. That breaks many students trying to vie for any post. Luckily for a big headed guy like me, I broke the point and was on the radar. That was cool isn’t it? But, hey, I wasn’t the only one. We had brilliant folks in the faculty with a smoking hot brain. It was a battle of the intellectual koromiwe

So, here comes the manifesto

It’s good to be good on the pitch with both legs. If the ball swings to the left, the left leg is there to control it. Staying in an equilibrium position makes you balance. Many are good in the exam hall but call them to talk or teach, they go off. That was what many contestants exhibited on the day of manifesto. At least, my head isn’t big for nothing. It has some stuff in it. I blew the audience off with my sugar coated mouth. I made bold claims. I made mountains out of a mole hill. I told them that I would celebrate my victory with palm wine that would be enough to float a boat from Nigeria to Germany. That was after getting into their head though

The smartness got me the ticket

At the end of the manifesto, I was selected at the faculty level to represent the affair of the students at the SUG level. It was quite interesting that the hammer head of horror got the ticket. Yes, it worked. I’m smart I said to myself. Or am I really pulling my own legs? May be if those guys were smarter with their mouth, my big head would have been for nothing, I presume. Be that as it may, my cashing out days came. I won and became the general secretary, a signatory to the account, placed on weekly pay. I also carried out many projects in the school that fetched me more money while serving the students. It was indeed a good time to remember. Lest I forget, I was also a mercenary (Helping people to write exams and get paid). Today, I teach

Whichever way, we still on the street


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What construct does your mind create when you think of what the country is offering true graduates with extraordinary result in the country? I laugh out loud. With all our book smartness, we still end up in the street hustling and bustling doing things we never learned in school. I’m an agent. I sell houses, rent, them, sell land, build house, sell ticket, and so on coupled with my teaching job. Man is still on the street doing things and running levels as it comes. Nigeria is a country where you find layers hawking gala


Book smart or street smart. We just need to pass through both. The school mainly teaches academics, but the street is where you put whatever you know into practice. We learn a lot on the street. The street is wider. They are both essential

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This is ckole the laughing gas
One love

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