Love: The ultimate virtue


The way we talk, approach people, react to things, and handle matters goes a long way to speak who we truly are. Action speaks louder than voice they say. We all have an iota of virtue, no matter what we think of ourselves. But the parts of it in us varies. Some people are very nice but are known to be blatant liar. They lack complete honesty. The conformity to a certain standard of doing the right thing is what we all crave for. We want to exhibit the quality of a good moral standard, but, we seem not to have it all. One way or the other, we lag. But where we have it imbalance matters. It's okay to lack some virtues, because we are not perfect, but let it not be the primary ones


He lack the spirit of love


He would walk into our midst, and whisper into the ears of my friends ignoring me. He would mingle with others and give no damn about saying hi. He does these things intentionally to hurt me. Sometimes, he waves and weaves between people, and I must admit he's good at the banter. He would relate with others and take a sneak look at me to see if I have noticed him. Of course, I noticed, but I don't care as such. Without moving a wave, I just sit and watch. But because I had nothing against him, I sometime smiled at him and give an open body language when he talks, but his hard stare and disapproving frown made me realize that there's a particular evil coming from him, and I wasn't ready to be affected by it. So, what did I do, I ignored him totally

But ignoring him wasn't the best because we meet everyday at school. Each time he plays his intentional games, I feel hurt somehow, even-though I pretended It doesn't pull a strain of hair from my body. But, here's the thing, I was about to change everything. I confronted him and said it to his face that hating me was a burden on him. I told him how free my mind is and how peaceful I live without carrying any burden of hatred. That was all. I never mentioned a word again. Funny enough, he stopped trying to catch my attention to make me feel bad. Gradually, he developed courage to say hi, which I was very happy to reply to. We became friends, and I saw the best of this guy. The truth is that I wasn't the only person he hates. He detest people for no reason. It's called prejudice. He killed the spirit and felt whole from loving others


Love, the ultimate virtue


Love is the ultimate virtue. From a religious perspective of virtue, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Sikhism have love on the first list of their virtues. Our moral behaviour is triggered by something. When we act, our subconscious mind is always alert and fully aware of what we are doing. But, you see, love holds us down many times when we want to do things that seem unethical. We have long lists of moral behaviour like faithfulness, self control, kindness, goodness, gentleness, truthfulness, Honesty, humility, patience, friendliness,modesty, justice, acceptance, appreciation, compassion, etc. With love, we live life more compassionately. We live and relate in right tune with others and make happy decisions

Love impact how we navigate our relationship with others. You will never want to see who you love cry. You don't want to lie or hurt the person you love. When you are angry, you let go because of love. You would be forced to say sorry even if you never wanted to because of love. Living in alignment with the virtue (love) navigates our relationship with others, which affords us a life where we intrinsically value the worth of humanity

Let us not forget that the good characters we possess are defined by some virtues that we value as our moral code. If love happens to be the moral code we cherish with all our heart, I believe the world would be a better place and, I'm sure I can forgive every other things for the sake of love

Thanks for reading
This is ckole the laughing gas
One love

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