I rather played it safe


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I've found myself in situations where I would have to decide whether to take risk or play safe. It's just like a defender on the pitch deciding to either play the ball to corner or dribble the forwarder as the last man. Playing the ball to corner kick is playing safe and dribbling at the back as the last man is risky

Can I give another example? Imagine having fun with a girl you don't intend to marry without protecting yourself. You are not playing safe here. You can only play safe with your rubber intact, and just pray it doesn't leak on the mouth when the semen rushes out out of excitement. Lol

I was between the devil and the blue sea

At this point, a lamp of confusion was raised and I was left with the choice of taking a risk or playing safe and getting my ass not kicked. I wanted to collect money for Biology from my dad and I told him I would buy Bio and logy text book. I wanted to collect double money for one text book because I needed the money for something else. I was a asshole. I told him and he agreed to give me on Monday morning. I was very happy to have succeeded in out smarting my illiterate popman not knowing that someone would come and put sand in my garri

He brought biology text book to our house

One of my dads friend called baba Ibeji came to our house on his way home on Saturday morning with a biology text book. He was happy to discuss his daughter with my dad. We were in the same class (just entering ss1). When the man showed my dad the new biology textbook he got for her daughter, my dad called me to confirm whether that was the book I was talking about
Now I had two options. It's either I risk lying or play safe. If I lie, the man might open my ass or believe my lies because he's not also educated. I just have to say something that would not get me in trouble, I concluded. Then I answered my dad

Yes dad, that's the book, but this one seems different because both text is combined in one as I can see. Dad, this one would be better than the other one I told you of and besides, this is even a new edition. I would love this one dad

After my sermon, he collected the book from his friend and gave him money to get another copy for her daughter on his way home and then handed me the modern biology text. None of them caught me. I played safe and it worked. But later when I was alone, I blamed myself for not risking it by saying the books are different because I needed the money badly. I wanted to give it to my crush as I've promised to get her some candy and a new pair of shoe. Mumu me. I was only a fool πŸ˜‚. Juliana rubbished me when I was unable to meet up but at the end, I was glad my plans got thwarted because Juli would have used my head and still never allow me to put my head on her chest let alone try to feed on milk like a baby. We all have our past but I was just a dick. However, I'm better than Mrs Suzzers son in ACCIDENT MANπŸ˜….

Thanks for reading. This is ckole the laughing gas. One love

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