Say no to pressure

Good day wonderful people of hive block chain happy weekend from this end i welcome you back to my blog am writing in response to the on going content in #hivelearners community #hl-w48e3



According to Oxford dictionary it defined pressure as difficulties and feelings of anxiety that are caused by the need to achieve or behave in a particular way.

Seriously the pressure we were facing currently is too much more especially in my country the government are putting the civil into pressure all because of new currency.

Is true that each generation have there own pressure each generation have it own challenges there are some pressure that is hard to overcome such pressure are society,peer and family pressure it only takes Good grace to overcome it.this pressure have destroy many people the worse thing that will happen to human is been under pressure it will frustrate you like mad.pressure have really put human in tight corner that they can never trace there way back.

Coming to our generation today the amount of pressure we young youth are facing is too much many of our youth are going astray due to pressure from peer group and society.



Most times i ask myself why are we always under pressure i think you allow things that doesn't matter burden us we should always learn to live our life free from pressure I know is not easy to handle pressure i have this friend that almost killed herself due to pressure from family.the worse pressure to handle is family pressure

As for the question if i have been under pressure?

Frankly speaking I have been under pressure from peer their is this friend of mine we grow up together.

One day as i was coming back i see her i swear my eyes didn't believe what i this friend of mine was now very rich someone i know that didn't come from a rich like me what shock me was when i as calling her she ignore me and i really felt bad.i did not get myself i was under pressure to do anything that Will Make me rich my friend turn their back on just because my best is now rich all thanks to my family who was always their for me as of then the pressure was much from my friends.

How did i overcome pressure

I swear is not always easy to handle pressure is always by God grace to overcome pressure.

These are the few things that help me overcome pressure

  • I put my whole trust in my creator i realize everyday i wake up i should take life the way i see it.

  • I surround myself with positive people i stop have friends with people that have bad energy.

  • I start appreciating myself over anything i achieve no matter how small my progress is always give myself gratitude.

  • final i find out that am not in competition with anyone i should not allow anything to put me under pressure.

Thank you for upvote and support i really appreciate

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