My tips to successful examination

Gud evening amazing people of give block chain welcome back to my blog i hope you guys are having wonderful evening. I am writing in respect of the content #hivelearners community #hl-w50e1.



Examination or test is the means by which student are been tested of the knowledge but as it is now examination malpractice have taken order of the day in the school system and it have spoil the school system.

Examination is given to test out capacity it's a step to access us or promote to another class.

As a student we like studying in groups or creating platform for study most people stay up in the night to study most people go as far as organizing private tutorials (more especially when they have a course hard for them study will go extra mile to study and pass the exam).

There is this strategy that i used that nearly disturb my health I have this friend that study till day break i joined her and studied till day break i swear i was not myself i have to give up and stop the night class.

I can still remember vividly when i got admission to the University as a fresher I'm very scared of the school examination because I've not partake in examination before it was full of fear. my cousin sister's back then always tell me how exam pressure is and how they Mount pressure on them.



I will discuss about how i prepare for my examination.

Examination help us to know how well we are doing in school I understand that preparing for exam is very stressful.

  • I give myself enough time to study: I get myself timetable that fit in my pattern of study i make sure I didn't leave any course or topic for last minute considering my pattern of study i don't understand more than three hours at a goal . So therefore i start on time so that i will cover up.
  • Look at past examination papers: it always help me to know the format of exams more especially if am sitting for the exam for the first time.
  • I make sure i understand everything: when studying i make sure i understand my book very well for better understanding.
  • Creating study group: when am creating study group I look for serious people, people who are focus,who have the same ambitious with reading really help because where you don't understand your groups will help you out.
  • I set study goals: setting a goal when studying really help because Everytime i sit to study i set a goal which is i write down the topics and course i want to cover and i work towards covering it.
  • Eating healthy: it is very important to eat healthy eating healthy is good for the brain i try as much as i can to health whenever am preparing for exam.

Conclusion: when preparing for exam you most take away fear always be positive when preparing for exam fear have always be the biggest enemy to human.

Thank you for stopping by in my blog i hope i have educate someone these are my exams tip that help me alot.t

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