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"For in every Adult there dwells the child that was, and in every child there lies the Adult that will be" - John Connolly, The book of Lost things

John's words in his book titled "THE BOOK OF LOST THINGS" is the truth about life. For every adult today, we are a sum up of the child we were, how we grew up and the many experiences we gathered along the way.

Every child you ask now wants to grow up fast to be an adult and vice versa which implies that most times we think it's always greener on the other side but in reality, it's not so.

"I spent my whole childhood wishing I were older and now I'm spending my adulthood wishing I were younger" - Ricky Schroder text source

What an Irony!! Ricky's quote is just the truth for almost everyone. We all wished to become adults so fast when we were still kids and now that we are adults, we want to go back to being kids again.

I remember those nights I would dream of being an adult, how much I yearned for it and had many plans and dreams. Here I am now, sometimes wishing all could go vanish and I could just run back to being the last born again.

Adult life is sweet and full of life with many dreams coming to pass and lessons to learn. It comes with so much responsibility and it's a show of how well you spent your childhood.

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"O, to be sure, we laugh less and play less and wear uncomfortable disguises like adults, but beneath the costume is the child we always are, whose needs are simple, whose daily life is still best described by fairy tales" - Leo Rosten text source

Yes, I am the last born of the house and as they say, the last born Is the stubborn one that gets to enjoy more.

PHOTO: Image of my Elder brother, Josh

I have an elder brother, so basically we are just two. We look alike so much that in those years, we compete for almost everything. We were competing for height, we wore almost the same size of clothes and shoes. He is fair in complexion and more handsome too and of course, we had our favorites.

I was Mum's gist partner while he was daddy's pal though for me, it meant that I always received more beating from my Mum and had more responsibilities because she knew I had a soft spot for her😪

I attended one of the best private schools in my community then, all thanks to my Mum who was a teacher in my school and she ensured we got the best.

Being in the same school with my Mum also meant I had to be on my toes. Many teachers loved me in my High school because I was intelligent and Godly aside from the fact that they knew my Mum. My Mum was always on our matter to the extent that she always got updates from her colleagues even when she was a primary school teacher.

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One thing I miss from my childhood is playing football in the rain. Have you ever tried it? The smell of rain mixed with the hyper feeling while playing football.

Yes, I loved playing football in my street though my Mum was always against it and I got lashed for it. My Dad was most times away from home.

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I had my street football names Alexander Pato and later on, it changed to Didier Drogba. You know that feeling when you score a goal for your team and everyone is hailing you with your football name. Arrgh, sweet memories😍

I can sit here and recall lots of childhood experiences that I miss but let's get back to the topic… Adult life

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One thing I enjoy more about my adult life is BEING INDEPENDENT AND THE FREEDOM TO EXPLORE

Freedom to Explore:

As a child, I had some limitations on what I could do, where I could go and some of my decision needed parental consent before I could take them.

I'd always loved travelling but my parent didn't enjoy it much coupled with other responsibilities. Also, exploring and discovering new things had its limitations to an extent.

For me, thanks to my Dad, I had freedom of choice to a very good extent compared to other children around but it still had certain limits.

Adult life has taught me that even though I can freely make my choices now, I am now responsible for my decisions and that I need to carefully plan and consider them so I don't make mistakes and later have regrets.


Being Independent brings awareness of responsibility and commands respect. This also helps maturity.
Even as a university student, I am gradually becoming independent which has taught me to be responsible and in turn helped my maturity.

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If there is one thing I wish I can change if I had the power is My early preparation for Adult life.
Yes, I had a good preparation for adult life in some aspects like character, spirituality but not in areas like finance and technological advancements.

I sometimes wish I was more exposed like other kids in foreign countries to technology advancement and financial habits like healthy investments, trading and buying shares.

As a child, owning a personal computer or laptop was seen as excess. Some even felt it was bad and will spoil us. We only had the privilege of using them in schools and thus really limited our technological knowledge.

We see young kids doing amazing things in technology using fast computers and I sometimes wish I had those opportunities. I love technology but I sometimes feel I have a lot to catch up on. The tech world just keeps revolving daily and yes, I am staying on track till I hit my tech goals no matter what.


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Adult life is sweet and better enjoyed when children are told the truth about it from an early stage, taught life lessons and given proper exposure and freedom to explore and chase their dreams.

We are now adults and the best we can do is tell our young ones what's coming and how best to prepare for it.

Cheers to Adult life🥂 Much love😍


I am @chosenfingers, a young Nigerian studying Mechatronics Engineering, your favourite blogger, content writer, love doctor 🤗 and friend. My main purpose here on Hive is to impact as many as possible with the right knowledge through mind-blowing, educational content. I hope my blog reaches people far and near.

Please don't forget to share on any platform,upvote and reblog. Much love😍

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