The image from the day, back in the village, that I had gone out with my cousin on his bike and, on riding into the compound, and me trying to get down, these two mad dogs that I was sure were high on something came barking and running towards me flashed in my mind when I read this prompt topic.


Those two made me fly a flight of stairs, screaming and half crying. I was terrified, to say the least.

I like to say, sometimes, that I like animals. You know, cute little pets, but in all frankness, I am scared of them. I always have been. Even if it were a day old animal, it still scares me. It just makes me know that I may never own a pet.

See, in general, almost all animals I have seen have not been nice.
Dogs;(one chased the heck out of me when i was in junior high school that i started seeing myself as a future athlete. Following year, i ran for my house in the school sport competition. Guess what? I lost.

Fowls;(especially the mother hen that chased me when I passed by her chicks. I wasn't even planning to go near nor touch her chicks. How could I, knowing I am equally terrified of them).

Cockroaches;(these ones are flying demons that disgust me.

And then the proud turkey;That one is a beast. Always acting like the world is against it. Perfect definition of an angry bird. Once I had worn a red dress and went around the place it was reared, it ran in my direction on sighting me. Good thing there was a barricade between us.

Cats; The day it chased me. Scratch that, it didn't. It came down a wall from the roof but couldn't go back up and so headed in the direction where I and a friend were sitting. The way I dropped the food that I was eating and ran! Kai!
But they're really cute, you know.

This isn't about any of those animals and the experiences with them. This one happened with the real gangsters of Nigeria...rats!

That year, I had traveled with my mum to her friend's village for an occasion.
There's a bathroom there that was hardly use. The local, outdoor kind.

In there, that white thing, don't know what it's called, that's placed at the part where water goes out from, was broken in a way that it's more of a hole than a filter.
You get?
And it's big enough for a rat to pass through.

That day, I don't know the evil spirit that made me go there to have a bath. Thing is, the other two bathrooms inside were in use and i needed to bath and get prepared quickly lest my mum leeaves me behind to go run errands with her friend. So i took my bucket of water in there and then I jammed the door lock.

That's how I poured water on my body and as the water passed through that place, two rats ran out!
See frenzy inside bathroom!
I jumped out of my skin.
I made to run but met a closed door. I could not even locate the door knob.
Me and rats began running round bathroom.

They were jumping and trying to get out and me I was looking for how to evaporate
I lept screaming "Jesus! Mummy!"
I was screaming and the rats were squeaking.

I finally got hold of the door while not taking my eyes off the rats, and when I tried to unbolt the door, it didn't come open. The lock was taut.

One rat managed to run out the way they had come in while the other rat went to one corner, probably catching its breath.

Lucky for me, I was finally able to open the door. Guess what? The rat ran out first, as if it wasn't the one spiking my blood pressure.

I rushed out after it did and took my bath by the door there and that was the last time I took my bath there. I was literally shaking when I got out.


I don't even know what lessons that any one would expect that I learn from such horrible experience. But seeing that I have to fill the space, I'll say that I learned that rats are terrorists. Crazyyyyy!

Thanks for gracing this post.

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