The year when this movie hit the market, it was the rave. And even until today, I have neither read nor head any negative reviews about it. It's just one movie with too much to learn of and enjoy. Watching this, you'll cry, laugh, bask in excitement and anxiety.

This movie, 3 idiots, if I recall correctly, was the one that opened my eyes and introduces me to the world of Bollywood. And I realized that there was so many good films made in that industry.

One of my favourite parts of this movie, 3 idiots, has to be the part where the professor asked the main guy to define “A Machine” and he replied “Machine is up down up down”.

The part where Raju and Farhan both nailed their jobs and they came to the hospital to see Rancho. This was another favorite of mine. Infact, every scene was a favorite. Every scene held an emotion - a strong one- and a lesson.

You see this movie, I can’t count the number of times I’ve watched it. I believe the last time was 5th time and each time, the emotion and lessons packed are amazing. It never gets stale.

I think the major reason the film became a success was because the storyline/plot was relative and manages to strike a balance between humor and emotion.

The story follows the journey of three friends through their college years and beyond, seamlessly blending laughter and sentiment.

It focuses majorly on how parents and other factors force their kids to go through a career path or study a course that wasn’t borne out of the students passion but out of the pressure exerted on them by their parents.

It highlights the importance of true education, creativity, and following one's passion.

The theme on friendship was very important to me. The three friends stuck with each other through all of the crests and falls and turned their moments to memories.

Lessons from the movie

  • Take life easy : When Raju wanted to give up due to the family challenges he faced, Rancho was there to lift his spirit with his funny yet encouraging theories. Rancho's simple life theory was, "pursue excellence and success will follow you pants down."

  • Dream big : In this movie, you'll learn that it's great to have a master plan for how and what you picture your future to be. That way, you get to work in line with what goals you have set out.

  • Do not forsake friends : The movie followed these three guys who stuck with one another through all and sundry. It would have been easy to just take part ways but they held it all together and truly (re)defined the word 'friendship.

  • Be happy : Cause why not? There's so much troubles in the world, you owe it to yourself to be of good cheer. The optimism will push you forward.

There are more and more lessons and the above are only a few. The movie is great for everyone and worth every second.

Though the movie had a lengthy run time of around 2 hours and 50 minutes which is common with Indian movies. It was still a beautiful watch. One of my top favorites movies of all time.

I think I should go see it again. I'm sure I'd pick up a message I had previously missed. You should too, if you haven't.

Thanks for gracing this post.

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