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The world today is a mixture of pleasant and unpleasant event and occurrences which has the capacity to stop or retardate our dreams and aspirations if we are not very careful. That was the foundation of the world itself, anything can happen, but we all have the ability to select our choices



We are all humans,sometimes the problems and challenges of life hit us hard that we have no other option than to be down physically, mentally and emotionally.... but what is most important is our quick recovery in order to fulfill our plans and desires, but there is a secret (Key) to manage and overcome the different challenges of life. This key is called "Believe System".
BELIEVE SYSTEM is ones interpretation and perception to the challenges of life. Our believe system is a product of "Knowledge" that we are expose to and knowledge that we expose ourselves to, there are some knowledge that we are expose to automatically and there are knowledge that we expose ourselves to.The knowledge that we are expose to are products of our background while the knowledge that we expose ourselves to is a product of our Career (Pursuit),Religious Activities, Information from people, media/internet, books,advice from friends and close ones e.t.c..

However this products has the capacity to control our believe system,BELIEVE SYSTEM can be classified into two;
(1)Positive Believe System
(2)Negative Believe System

Positive Believe System simply means "Thinking Positively " while Negative Believe System simply means "Thinking Negatively ". In other words Positive Believe System put a person in the right state of mind in the middle of challenges, you will hear some people saying "All is well", It is well", All is going to be well", and this set of people are in the middle of the challenges of life but they keep on believing that there is a way out and they continue to push and put more effort.



We all Prosper and get to a point of fulfilments over our desire and purpose when we put our plan and aspirations into action.But most of the time when we are not in the right state of mind we might not be able to put our plan into action

Negative Believe System is the opposite of positive believe system, Negative believe system does not put a person into the right state of mind, a person having a Negative Believe System believes that every issue of life is the end of the world, there are many challenges that can occur in life that can make us believe that we are finish but we should be able to step up and recover after sometime

This key (Positive Believe System) can only be activated in us when we Cultivate the habit of thinking positively
Keep telling yourself everyday "It is well with me" "I am the head and not the tail" "I will succeed" "I will prosper" "I have overcome".
There is an unpredictable power that lies in Positive believing , you will just notice everything is getting better, great ideas will start coming up in your mind, you will be balance to perform your everyday task appropriately

Note:Excellence is a product of right state of mind and a right state of mind is always a product of "Positive believe system"
Positive believe system tune us into the right state of mind.

Thank you so much for your time
Do have a blessed week ahead HIVERS..

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