The things I dislike when texting with others

Life has become so much easier when it comes to communication, you can tell someone your whole life story without uttering a word from your mouth and it is chatting/texting that made this possible.



I have always been a fan of texting rather than calling because talking drains my energy but I can type all day without feeling stressed!

There was a time that I derive so much joy in texting people just to make friends and get to know more about them but life happens, most of the texting I do now is often business-related or with those who shared the same goals with me, for example, hivers, airdrop hunters, coursemates and others that something bring us together...

There is no more time for friendly chat or randomly texting a stranger to make friends, I used to be good at this during 2go days, entering group chat, causing small trouble, adding up some users who I can relate well and the good thing about those days is that some of those people became a very close friend to me till today, some are even on the hive platform with us, that is how long friendship can be.

There are some things I find annoying during text now

I dislike someone texting me for the first time with a random number and the only text you sent me is hi or good afternoon, c'mon you can do better instead of one or two words, how about letting the person you are texting know who you are or just go straight to the point and tell him the reason for your text instead of beating around the bush with 1 or 2 words, most time I often ignore such messages.



I also don't like it when someone starts sending voice notes in the middle of our chat, The reason is that I might be in a noisy area, I might be listening to songs or connected to a Bluetooth speaker and trying to listen to that voice note would give me a hard time, some people often misuse it too, imagine sending me good morning, how you doing with a voice note, why can't you just type it! voice note is meant for long explanations, at least that is what I believe, so often when someone sends me a voice note, I would ignore it and respond to the text until I am comfortable enough to listen to the Vn, and some other times, I might even forget about the Vn.

I hate late replies but I don't even chat with people much nowadays so that is not a thing to be concerned about, now when it comes to replying late to people's messages,s especially on WhatsApp, you can give me A1 and it is actually not intentional, I don't use whatsap much any longer but whenever my data is on, it will reflect that am online on the app and when people message me, it will deliver and they would think i ignored their message, and another thing is my WhatsApp is on my phone that I also use as wifi, and most time I put it near the window because of the network so times I might not even hold the phone for hours to check messages.

The fastest app to connect with me is Discord but also sometimes I might be asleep with my data on and it will show am online but people won't understand, they will think the user is ignoring them or wasting time to reply to them.

I don't like late replies but I don't get worked up when someone delays replying to me, I also just reduce the energy.

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen

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