The peace that comes with living with Nature

I have lived in an urban and rural area and in fact, I grew up in a rural area which was typically a forest because when we moved in, it was just two houses in my street and the surroundings were full of bushes and wild animals especially our president general Mr snake and his family.


I have had a lot of encounters with snakes to the extent that I even discovered their hole, there were so many in that big hole crawling on one another, or is it the long snake that ran past my leg I should talk about or is it my escapades with the python that lives in the grave, but here I am still alive, so I figured out as long as you didn't step on those snakes they won't bite you... they only strike when they feel threatened so maybe they ain't that evil after all.

Aside from the snakes, every other thing was perfect, I could walk down the street without meeting anyone, and no nervousness, it was just me and nature, there was light which surprised me, I could not confirm the network since it was not in the Era of android and humans ain't yet addicted to their phones like the life we live now, the phones were meant just for calling, which also reminded of days that not everyone has the opportunity to own handset because it was expensive, we had to go to the next street and look for a call center to make calls to our family and loved ones, the business was quite lucrative back then, It is no longer in vogue because everyone has a mobile phone now and such business won't thrive.

There was no bad news too and the only bad news was from television, during the explosion that happened in the year 2002 that house was shaking and people were jumping inside a canal, high numbers of deaths were recorded that year, but nothing happened where we live, we only get to see the news on television and when my dad visited, he gisted us more about it.

We could plant crops and rear animals like cocks/hens, it was nice!


Compared to life in the urban Area

The life with nature I grew up in has disappeared, I can no longer plant crops or rear chickens because everywhere is occupied, and I only get to rent a small prison that costs a fortune where I stay all day pressing my laptops and phones.

Walking on the streets is now a hassle, especially streets that are crowded, you have to keep moving from one side to the other trying not to jam the others walking too, no space at all, everyone just jampack themselves like sardines in a can.

We are no longer living life, or should I say I am no longer living life, everything is now internet-based, work online, play online and many other things, am waiting for the day that a tech will be invented that we can also eat and bath online lol and this is because I don't like going outside as I felt there are always eyes on me, there is no such thing in a rural area because there ain't too many people talk less of having many eyes on you.

If I had to choose between an Urban and Rural area, I would choose Rural because such an area has the peace of mind that I need. I am all for peace!

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
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