The importance of Education

Education is the key to Success, so we were told but it seems the government has changed the padlock because the rate of unemployed graduates in my country is alarming.


I still believe that education is the best legacy parent can give to their children even though it might not guarantee them a good job it will help them greatly in life.

Why do we go to school?

To seek knowledge and learn things that could be useful to us and even elevate our status.

Education may not get you your dream job, but it can connect you to great people who also came to seek knowledge in the same institution as you, the knowledge you also gain from going to school is priceless as it will stick with you for the rest of your life.

I am at the lowest chain when it comes to Certificates, I only have an SSCE result, and at a point in my life, I planned to give up on the aim to further more when higher institutions refused to give me the course that I wanted and Jamb keep jamming me, I had to struggle for years without a positive result.

At some point, I gave up but later realized the Certificate may not be useful in my country but it is highly needed in other countries which kind of awakened my interest to study again.


A part-time program

I am running a Part-time program in a prestigious school in Lagos where I would bag a degree in National Diploma but I would not stop there, I am also going to run for a Higher National Diploma.

I do not have a plan to work with my certificate at least not here in my country but If I get a good offer in another country, I would go for it as long as it does not affect my freedom because I would prefer a remote job that allows me to work from home.

Education is very important, it is not just about graduating and securing a job, there is more to it than that and education is not just about the primary, secondary, and university we attend. The vocational institution we attend is also part of education.

Nowadays people get successful through vocations, some vocations pay more than a collar job, it was in the past that people valued collar jobs so much, but people have started to realize that nothing beats having your own business and being your boss.

I know a guy who is learning fashion design and he is earning a lot of money daily and now he is using the same money he earns from it to take care of his family, he left Nigeria last year with his family.

The point of the short story is for others to stop thinking they can't survive without being employed by others and people should start learning to have their own business.

Anyone who plans to be great in life should attend one of those places that offers education.

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
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