Say no to hard drugs!!


On my visit to church on Sunday, i saw a crowd gathered round a house just like 50 steps away from my church and i need no seer to tell me something has happened but what really happened?

I later heard the story behind the gathering, it was a youth that lost his life due to drug abuse, imagine using your money to buy death! he has been known in that vicinity for the intake of hard drugs with his friends and they were already an addict, they just can't spend a day without smoking

On that fateful night, he snorted ice but unfortunately for him, seems the substance entered the wrong place in his head, he was first seen walking around then he collapsed, friends rushed him to 5 different hospitals but he was rejected before he gave up the ghost! It seems they knew he was not going to make it or they do not have the adequate facilities to treat him....

I Would imagine his friends to stop taking hard drugs after what happened to him but i doubt it, they would definitely look for an excuse to justify his death and then continue with this bad habit of smoking, like why do youth of nowadays derive pleasure in smoking hard substance!


Although it started long ago, people getting addicted to drugs but it has become more rampant now, back in the days people do this stuff in their room away from prying eyes but now they are not scared nor shy to do it publicly, especially in the ghetto or rural areas, you would see them sitting in groups of 2 and above smoking and snorting in different hard drugs!

People know the bad effect of all this hard drugs yet they still take it, all because of how it made them feel? some said it gives them inspiration, some said it takes away their fear and helps them to be able to socialise, are these reasons enough to have a damage organ that can lead to untimely death?

That guy is gone, his family would miss him but nothing can bring him back, probably he was destined to be a great person in life but he changed his own destiny by doing drugs....

Unfortunately the law officer who are supposed to arrest those taking hard drugs are also using it, people now rely so much on hard drugs to feel better, what a sad generation!

There is no addiction that can't be cured,you are half way there the moment you decide to quit.... The other things needed is to

  • Avoid people that takes hard drugs: You can't easily quit this bad habit if you are still walking with your friends doing it, you will always find your way back because it is hard to resist a temptation of something you love doing, the best thing to do is cut off those friends or people in your life and start moving with non smokers....

  • Find pleasure in something else instead of hard drugs: The idle hand is the devil workshop, get busy doing something else that will take away the mindset or cravings for hard drugs..

Say no to hard drugs! it is a destiny killer

Just call me Burl.

I am a gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

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