My siblings and I

I have told the story of how I was born by mistake, my siblings are much older than me, and my immediate brother gave me a good 9 years gap so you can imagine the gap between me and the 4 others but I relate with him as if he is just 2 to 3 years older than me and not much different from the rest too, we are one happy family. I think this added to the reason why I find it easier and more comfortable to relate with people that are much older than me because I grew up with oldies lol.

In case you miss the story, my mum got pregnant when she thought she could not anymore, she was scared she won't be able to handle the child labor and try to terminate him but I was destined to come through that family hence all that she tried didn't work and the doctor advised her against any other thing and she accepted fate.


They gave birth to me and I grabbed the last-born position from my immediate brother, it shocked him because he has been enjoying all the last-born privileges until my arrival, Thank God I was born because only God knows what he would have turned to if I was not, they really spoilt him and I can see it in him. πŸ˜‚

Sometimes he makes me feel like I am not the last born 😁, and I didn't drag with him because deep inside me, I don't feel like the last born either.πŸ˜ƒ

Me and my immediate bro

I spent most of the years in my life with my eldest sister than my parents which explains the reason she is the one I am the closest to and it was like that till I became independent, even when I was able to take care of myself, she was still nearby because we live in the same city until recently that I changed location and now far but we are still in the same state and just like 3 hours journey to mine.


I did not miss having a younger brother or sister, cos for real I don't really feel that I am the youngest in my family. my brothers are my gist partners and we can discuss anything and everything.

One thing is I feel safe and protected with them around, imagine having 3 big brothers and two mummies[my sisters]πŸ˜‰ that are always there to help out when you need it

I have nephews and nieces now, if at all I feel the need for a younger one, they are there to fill the void, and also my relationship with them is more of a brother and sister too, aside from the Uncle title, we relate like siblingsπŸ™‚

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen

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