Give those still alive the chance to Live

Sometimes the way others think makes me disappointed, maybe it is just how I am designed but I feel some things that people do are unnecessary. It just shows we have so many selfish people in the world who only care about themselves and their family, the lives of others don't matter? the world would be a better place if we think about others as well.


People go the extreme way to show love to the dead but they forget he that is gone is never coming back. The body will turn to sand at a point so why not use this opportunity to help a brother who requires what the dead have to live even the dead person would be happy wherever he is that he was the reason someone is still living.

I find some ideologies and beliefs sickening, your loved one is dead and you would rather let his/her organ go to waste than give it to others in need of it to keep them alive, in your mind it is a way of showing love to the dead person, how about putting yourself in their shoes, what if it was you or one of your loved one that needs the organ to stay alive and someone somewhere refused to give it out because they do not want to part with the organ of their deceased loved one and would prefer the organ decay and turn sand.


If the government makes organ donation mandatory

Honestly, I do not have any problem with this and I won't even be forced to release the organs of my loved ones when they are dead because that organ is no longer useful to them but it could be a life savior for someone else, also I might even tell my people to make sure to give my organs to those in need of it when am dead cos what is the use of those organs to someone dead.

The advantage of this law is that it will reduce crime rates like forced organ harvesting, a lot of people have been kidnapped, and gone missing and their family members think it was done by people involved in ritual, but I think most of these people were victims of organ harvesters and they are making cool money from it since organs are very hard to get.

The moment people adapt to giving the organs of their deceased out, it will make organs available and hence solve the problem of scarcity which makes people engage in crimes to get it.

The law of forcefully getting it from the deceased would only affect those people who think it is an abomination to give the organs of their loved ones out and it is time they learn that they are not doing anything wrong by giving it out.

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

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God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
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