Wrestling: My Favorite Sport🤗

Image by Jason Pofahl

Hello everyone, how are you doing on this beautiful day? Today being Sunday has been great indeed and we are all looking forward to the new week.

My post for today will be focused on the topic that had been chosen by the community, and that is “My Favorite Sport”.

And while for some of my male friends, especially those with me here in Nigeria, their favorite sport would be football. But not me, I am one of those few that have no interest in football at all. I don’t watch it and I can’t play it. The only time I watch it though is when I am surrounded by friends and they are all watching it. But on my own, you would never see me decide to watch football.

What then is my favorite sport? Wrestling.

Right from my childhood, I have always been a huge fan of wrestling. And this has followed me to adulthood, and I do not think I will be letting it go anytime soon.

Wrestling is probably one of the oldest sports in the world, originally seen as a way to test a man’s strength and skill, it also became a source of entertainment. Seeing as people loved to gather and watch two grown men beat the hell out of each other.

It gained popularity and soon, spread all over.

It is a sport that basically involves two men forcing their opponent to use a particular part of their body to touch the ground, hold them in a particular position for a certain amount of time, or force them to submit in defeat.

There are different styles of wrestling, like the belt-and-jacket, catch-hold, and loose styles.

Although these days, the most popular kinds of wrestling are the ones that are usually most televised, and they are not considered to be a sport in a grand sense. Most of them are considered as entertainment.

Companies like WWE, ACW, Impact, are companies that organize wrestling matches, they give their wrestlers background stories to make their fights more meaningful, and they make everything beautiful and glamorous so fans will flock to watch them.

In this case, the wrestlers are called performers. This is because most of the fights are choreographed and the endings are known by them before the match even begins. But just because the fights are choreographed does not make them any less real, all the stunts that are performed are real. And they are done only once before a live audience, so any mistake could ruin the entire thing.

I think this is one of the reasons I still enjoy watching it, seeing grown men and women walking in a ring with skimpy outfits, trying to look intimidating, not just to their opponents but to we the viewers as well. I never find them intimidating, I find them funny. And I just love it all.

And again, despite their moves being choreographed, there is still a lot of risks in it. Most of the stunts they do are mind-boggling; they put their bodies in extreme conditions just to make the fans happy. Many of them get injured in the process, sometimes really serious injuries that they will have to spend months at the hospital. Thankfully though, the company usually has that covered.

And in conclusion, many of these superstars are multimillionaires. They are celebrities and live the bling life just like footballers, basketball players, and boxers. As a matter of fact, just by virtue of them being performers, many of them have been able to become successful actors, like Dwayne Johnson (D Rock), Ronda Rousey, Mike The Miz, Shawn Michael, etc.

So, my dear friends, after everything I have said I sure hope this still qualifies as a sport. Because I love it so much and what these guys do in the ring, is very sporty. And one has to be really fit to achieve it.

And that is all for today, thank you all for reading. Till we meet in the next post.

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