My Boring Adult Life...😏😏

Image by Tamarcus Brown

Hello everyone, how are you doing on this beautiful Monday? It is the start of the new week and it is surely a great day to be alive. Another opportunity to go forth into the universe and be fruitful.

My post for today will be based on the topic that was chosen for today.

As a child, like everyone else, I had a lot of dreams about what I wanted for my future self. As I got older, these dreams changed according to my interests at the time.

Back then, I remember thinking I was going to be a pilot. Soon however that changed to a footballer. Over the years, I then wanted to be a catholic priest, an actor, and even a fashion model. It was as I got older when I got to senior secondary school that I decided that I will become an Engineer. Electrical Engineer to be precise.

And that was what I focused most of my academic energy on.

I also discovered I could write in secondary school, but back then I never considered it to be a career path. It was just a hobby to me. I was already studying Electrical Engineering in school when I realized just how lucrative my β€œhobby” could be. And thanks to the advice from a few good friends, I took it up as a business and I have never looked back.

Today, I am still studying to be an Electrical Engineer, and I will be getting certified soon. But I feel my career path is set in the world of writing. Such is life. I found my calling and regardless of my choices I will still try to be happy with the ones I have made.

Presently, one thing I love about my life as an adult is freedom. And by this I do not mean freedom from parents, I mean freedom from having to ask for money. As a child, I did not grow up with much. The only thing my family had in abundance was water and love. Lol. πŸ˜‚

My parents had to work hard for most of what we had and that meant that the money was always spent sparingly and on important things. So, there was not a lot of money for things like enjoyment and the likes.

But now, as an adult, I can do all that. But I have learned from my parent's frugal way of spending and applied it to my finances. I spend only on what I need and I do not have to ask anyone for assistance. But I keep praying to get to the level where I can now be of assistance to others.

And there is one thing I would very much love to change about this adult life. And that is just the responsibilities that come with it. It is just too much. Even the basic necessities of life are so expensive you will want to run mad. The bills and other challenges that face man on a daily basis, having to take care of yourself and also assisting the family in the little way you can. And then you need to be there emotionally as well for friends and family, seeing as sometimes it’s not money that is the problem.

If I could change one thing, I will wipe out all challenges from this world. Let us all just be living in peace and security, laughing and smiling because everything is under control. That way, I am sure life will be all the more fun.

Anyway, regardless of what I can't change, I still try my best to be happy and make those around me happy. Because in the end, we all will realize that it is not what you have that truly makes you happy, it is what you do with what you have.

And so, dear friends, this is my entry for the topic. I hope you enjoyed reading it. Thank you very much for reading.

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