
Image by Kelly Sikema

Hello everyone, how are you doing today? Today is Friday and it's the official end of the working week. I am particularly excited about this one because I plan to do a whole lot of relaxing over the weekend.

Today I would love to talk to us about something I believe we should never stop doing. Because as humans we require it for our growth. Anything else and we would simply become stagnant and not moving in this thing called life. And what is this? It's called Learning.

Learning is not a stage, and it is definitely not a process. It is a way of life. People believe that once you are done with schooling then you are done learning, but that is not true at all. Learning continues long after that. Everyone keeps learning until their dying day.

When you decide to take learning as a way of life, a lot of things will change for you simply because you will realize that on your own you do not know as much as you think. You will also remind yourself that there are people out there who know more than you, you will task yourself with finding those people and learning from them.

We learn almost everyday. We do it on our places of work, in our homes, places of worship. Matter of fact, whenever we realize that we suddenly know something that we did not know previously; I assure you that learning has taken place.

And as we go far in life, getting to meet new people on a regular basis, these will be people will different experiences, different ideas about life and just about different everything else. And this could be a fountain of learning for you.

Because it is always better for you to know and not need the information than for you to need it and not have it.

There is nothing in this big bad world that can't be taught or learned. Everything, provided it was done by man, could definitely be taught to others.

So, dear friends, in this vein in all in you to persevere always try to keep on learning. It pays always. It might not be easy, you might have to ask someone you feel is beneath you but once that information is yours, you have added another feather to your cap and increased your status a little.

As we go out into the coming weekend, try to to learn something. You never can know when it will come in handy.

Thank you for reading, till we meet in the next post.

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