Inspired By Movies....

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These days, I don’t really put a lot of stock into getting lessons from the movies I watch, this is because over the years, the movie studios have reduced the amount of attention they paid to such works of art. Many times, people don’t want to watch movies that will educate them or teach them morals, they simply want something that will distract them from their realities and make them have a good time.

Many times, I’m one of such people. There are times when I simply want all the noise and the explosions of the action films, other times I want the steam and wit of romance or comedic movies. Depending on my preference at the moment, I’ll pick the kind of movies I want. However, every once in a while, even in action movies filled with explosions and gun battles, there will be lessons buried deep inside. When that happens, I always doff my hat to the writers.


Today, we still have a lot of movies like that. Movies that focus on educating the people teach the masses about whatever beliefs the makers of the movie subscribe to. They also create awareness of matters that are believed to be overlooked. A great example of this is Hollywood. All over the world, everyone knows that the emergency number to call in America is 911. Even people who have never been there, know it more than they know the one of their own country of residence.

This is only possible because of movies. From hearing it in countless movies over the years, it has become a part and parcel of so many people’s lives even though it has nothing to do with them, geographically speaking. So, movies will always be a way of raising awareness.


For me, if there’s a movie I’ve seen that really taught me a lot, it has to be the old Nollywood movie titled A Million Tears. Besides having one of the most popular soundtracks in the history of the Nigerian movie industry, the storyline is also thought-provoking and quite engaging.

It tells the story of the young daughter of a local pastor who is terminally ill and has only a few months left to live, however, she comes across the leader of a cult group who takes a liking to her, despite her disposition. The focus of the story is how they try to build their love despite the fact that everyone around them, life itself seems to be against their romance. Even with death staring at her in the face, she chose to give love a chance and to be happy, even if it was for a short while.


The first time I watched it, I didn’t really get much of it because I was no more than a kid then. But later on, I re-watched it and it has to be one of the saddest Nolly flicks I’ve seen. It tells us that no matter how far gone a person is, you can never be too far away to turn back. No matter how low you’ve sunk, you can always climb your way back to the top. And most of the time, the very person that will be pivotal in turning your life around could very well be the one person you least expect it to be. If you keep fighting for something, eventually, the universe will be forced to let you have it. Because nothing is stronger than the will of a person who has conviction.

A few months back, the movie crossed my mind again and I’ve been searching for it, but so far, I’m yet to find it. I wonder if it’s on any of the streaming platforms because that would be dope. What will also be great is if they decide to do a remake of the movie, setting it in modern-day Nigeria with modern problems and conflicts. It would be the ultimate!

Anyway, that’s my one movie, and I’ll never forget it. No matter what happens, A Million Tears will always have a special place in my heart.


Thank you for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, I would love to know what you’re thinking. Till we meet in the next post.

This post is inspired by the third topic of this week which is From Screen To Life. Feel free to try it out.

N.B: All images are mine. The thumbnail was designed using Canva.

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