Failure: A Prerequisite for Success

Image by Guille Alvarez

Hello everyone, how are you doing on this beautiful day? It is surely a beautiful day to be in, we will rejoice in it and be glad. The week is gradually running to a close, like every other week and we are looking forward to the weekend. Soon, we will be taking stock of how our week went, our wins and losses so that we would know how to tackle the next week.

And this is what will inspire my post for today.

It is no news that failure is part of being human, just as much as success is. An average man has at least one or two failures each month. Maybe big or small.

The thing is that many of us have gotten the idea that failure is such a bad thing, something to be scared of and avoided at all costs. This is why we see people using any means necessary both moral and immoral to make sure they do not fail. They see it as a stain on their person, something that can never be washed away.

First of all, let me give you my definition of failure. Nah, I have no definition for it. I simply see it as a postponed success. You failing at something can just be Mother Nature’s way of telling you that the time is not ripe for that thing you are doing just yet. Maybe you are not ready, or there is something else you need to learn.

The thing about failure is that when you see it for what it truly is, it makes you a better version of yourself. Because when you fail at something, you will realize that there was something that you did not do right, and that was because there was something you did not know. With this new piece of information, you will go about equipping yourself so that you will be able to tackle the problem head-on.

The next time it happens, you will be better prepared.

We live in a digital age, we hear success stories all the time. We hear of people who had extremely difficult backgrounds, they faced so many challenges in the past, they were tempted to give up so many times but they refused to give in. Eventually, it all paid off. and they are now the successful people that you look up to.

Such stories are always interesting. Because challenges, problems, and failures are what make them interesting. The way you are able to conquer everything that life throws at you will be what will make your story sweeter. If you heard of a person that was born into a life of affluence and zero worries, lived a life at the top with the best of the best, you will not find anything encouraging in such a story. because apart from wanting an entertaining story, you also want one that will motivate you to be a better person.

Nothing worthwhile ever comes cheap. If you try something new and it fails, that is not a sign for you to give up. Instead, you find out what your mistake was and make sure you do not repeat it. If you try again and it still fails, it means you missed something else. Find out what that one is and make sure you don’t repeat it.

Keep following that cycle, your tenacity and determination will eventually get you that success that you are after.

Having a life full of successes does not teach you much, because once you succeed at something you believe you are done with it and you move on. Not bothering to learn anything new on it. But when you fail, you push yourself to learn something you did not know. That is why in school when you pass all your exams you are taken to the next class.

Please, this does not mean that one should intentionally seek to fail or wish failure upon oneself. That will never go well for the person. All I am saying is that in whatever you do, give it your best. If it fails, do not dwell on it, and make sure you get back to your feet immediately. No matter how many times you fall.

So, my dear friends, as we prepare for the weekend, what are those things you believe you have failed in? Those ones you have totally given up on? This is a wake-up call that failure is only postponed success. You just have to get back to your feet and try again. No matter the cost. Give it everything you have got, and then some. And I promise you, though it may take some time, you will eventually get that which you seek.

Thank you for reading, till we meet in the next post.

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