My Siblings, My Everything.

Siblings are our loved ones who turns out to be our lifetime friends. No matter what you cannot choose your siblings, or have the opportunity to choose the one best for you, They come naturally from the maker and with time we tend to love them because they are our blood.


Having siblings is no difference from having a close friend because you have to deal with them and be able to manage their different characters especially when they are many, you should be able to tolerate all because there is no choice.

Sometimes your siblings can be annoying and sometimes they are fun to be with which makes you feel happy for having them in your life. Your position in the family can determine how your experience with your siblings will turn out while growing up, when you are the first born there is always more responsibility on you, the ability to deal with the your younger ones and the skill to always act mature is demanded because the rest of the siblings will be looking up to you. But when you are the last born although you might be mummy's or daddy's pet, but expect some hard times with your older ones because you have so many obligation and duty from them.

I was privileged and at the same time unfortunate to have many half siblings. What I mean by half siblings is that some of them are of not same father or mother with me. Living with half siblings is not always that easy, sometimes you encounter some situation or experience that makes you realize they were not your complete siblings, this can make you feel bad.

I once had a bad experience with my younger half brother,I was older than him but my step mother took him as the eldest, he took the larger portion of everything and was always choosing ahead of me. I was always feeling cheated and this made me developed hatred for my brother, I was seeing him more like an enemy than a brother to me.

We were always doing good together but my step mother never wanted to be so,she always wanted to confusion and division between us. she finally succeeded in breaking our bond and poisoning our relationship. My brother was no longer seeing me as someone to be close with and he started avoiding me. This made me to wished that I should never have had a sibling, I wanted to be the only child back then.

It was painful that I lost my stepmother to a Chronic illness, I cried because I won't get to see her again. The absence of my stepmother which we never prayed for brought back the relationship between me and my brother, we started doing things together because there was no one to poison his mind again, our bond became stronger.

Sometimes parents can spoil the relationship between you and your siblings, this happens when the love of one supercedes the other, this breeds envy and jealousy and can cause division later on which is not good. Parents should be able to spread equal love to all so that there will not be division among the siblings.

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