
We all have different preferences and choices when it comes to weight gain/loss.

Life is not fair as most people usually say. You find out some people who are very slim praying to be fat, why those that are fat wants to be slim, some want to reduce a little and others want to add a little. This all shows that we have different views on which one is good or bad for us( weight gain/loss)

For me I'm in between right now, there are sometimes that I would want to add more weight for no reason or conviction, and there are some period that I tried to convinced myself that having an athlete shaped body is the best for me and nothing else. I'm always confused about these weight of a thing because I don't really know what I want yet.

My mother decided for me

During my confusion state of thinking about which one to maintain, the athlete shaped body, or just the normal weighty body, my mother forced a decision for me lol.

My mother is someone who is always concerned about my weight, she made checking my weight a priority. For her a healthy and strong person must always be weighty so that I don't look weak and malnourished in front of my peers and outsiders, that was always her believe.

I always tell her that it doesn't matter if you are fat or slim, that does not determine if you are strong or not, it all depends on your fitness and health status.

Even when she felt convinced with what I told her, she would say it is better to look like you are strong by your appearance and your weight even if you are not, because it gives people the impression not to mess with you. I agreed with her, sometimes appearance and stature can be intimidating sometimes, but is it that necessary, judging the book by its cover hahahaha...

So whenever I came back from a long time journey or from college that was filled with stress, she always comes to conclusions that I must have lost some pounds because I have not been eating very well, it was her believe that if it is not Mama's food then it is not nutritious to make me gain weight.


She made me eat and rest a lot when I was at home, my movement was restricted sometimes, making it seem like I came back home specially for weight gain and nothing else. I usually tell her that the amount of food does not always matter, if you are slim there is nothing that can be done about it, not even food can save you, but she strongly believed that hers was a special one that would work perfectly for me, I was her child and she knew what is always best for me.

Although, what my mother dis really helped me a lot in gaining some weight but there was no much effect because there was no much fat in my body. If my weight would have increased the way my mom fed me and treated me then I would have been a Big show by now hahahaha, the overfeeding was too much hahaha.

This my story might sound funny but it is the truth, my mother is the only concerned about my weight, left for only me I would not bother being fat or slim, whatever my body tends turn out was left for it and not my concern. I ate when I feel like without thinking about the impact on my weight. Whenever I wanted to add weight I just take a trip to my house and visit my mother the weight specialist and she would always do the needful.

This post was inspired by the Hive learners community, as it was one of the topic in their weekly contest.

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