
A lot of youths these days find themselves committing crimes for various reasons known to them. From peer pressure to just the basic need to survive... What are your thoughts on this? Why do you think crime among the youths has been on the increase? And what ways do you think they can be stopped?

A few days ago, my sister who lives in another state came to visit for a function and she decided to sleepover at my place. She told a story about how a guy bumped into her on her way to my place. She heard a tear but assumed her zipper came off, it wasn't until she got home that she realized a blade was used to cut her bag and if she had left her phone in that bag it would have gone the moment that guy walked past her.

That's one of the many crimes the youths in my country are into. Then some live and breathe cybercrime. If they don't scam someone in a day, they can't eat a decent meal. Almost everything they own was gotten because they were able to scam an unsuspecting person.

Although these crimes have been in existence for a long while over the last year it has been on a steady increase. Every day we hear of new crimes perpetrated by the youth. Kidnapping and using people for rituals has now become the order of the day, no one is safe anywhere.

There are a lot of factors that could have possibly led to this. Let's start with the normalizing of cybercrime and how the youth now take it as a normal thing to get into cybercrime as soon as they lay their hands on a laptop. Peer pressure has something to do with this and also the fact that the youth no longer understand the need for patience. They want to get that wealth as quickly as they can by any means necessary.

Some even say they are stealing from those who stole from them. I get pissed when I hear this because going by that statement the people who stole from them are somewhere in Abuja not some innocent lady in Asia.

Another surprising cause of the increase in crime is parents. I've seen parents endorse these bad behaviors from their children or even encourage them to do it. It's insane. Then there's also Inflation, people are unable to keep up with the constant increase in the prices of commodities in the market.


There are a few ways I think might be effective in reducing these crimes. First whoever is caught should be given a considerable amount of jail time because most often than not, when caught they bribe their way out hence there's no real reason to stop.

The provision of jobs may help but I also ask myself are these people even willing to work. A lot of youth these days are looking for the easy way out. So I would say the most effective way to reduce the crimes boils down to the individual and their moral standards.

At the end of the day, there are limited opportunities but there are still opportunities. I have seen people who are disabled but yet still find something to do. Yes things are hard and there's the tendency to want to pick crime over a decent living but if an individual wants to be decent, he will be.

Thanks for stopping by❤️

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