
Love is a beautiful thing as most would say. With love, we get to experience the purest emotions. We have various types of love, the love we have for our parents, siblings, self, friends, partners etc. We express our love to them in different ways but there is one common thing, we love them all and would go to great lengths for them.

All the things I can do for love, how far are you willing to go


There are several things I thought I couldn’t do before I fell in love. When you are genuinely in love there is this urge to do right by those whom you love. That is why most of us try our best to make them happy in the best way we can. Some of the few things I can do for love are.

Be there for them and support them
Oftentimes we are only vulnerable around those we love and it is that same way for them. Whenever those I love come to me for anything I try my best to be there for them and help with what they need at that moment. It may even be a simple hug or a listening ear.

Spend quality time with them
I am selectively social, I don’t necessarily like to be around people but the people I love I would gladly share my space with them. I love spending quality time with those I love. Despite my busy schedule I love to make out time to connect with them.

Accept their flaws
I am not perfect and neither is the person I love. During times of conflict, it is important to remember that I am not in love with a God and therefore they may do some things that do not sit right with me. I am willing to forgive them and help find better ways to improve ourselves.

There are a lot of other things I would do for those I love, it makes me happy to make them happy.

Things I would never do for love


Love is one of the purest emotions and can also be the most dangerous. Sometimes we may be tempted to go to the extreme but for me, there is a place I draw a line.

Go against my integrity

I cannot soil my integrity for love. Those who know me know the one thing that matters most to me is my word. That is one thing I would never go back on for anyone no matter how much I love you, in the same vein I won’t lie or bear false witness just because I love a person. My principles and values do not get altered for someone else, as much as I love them, I always remember to put myself first.

Endure Abuse

I also won’t endure abuse of any form because of love. Love is not one-sided hence it should be reciprocated to the best of their abilities. If they choose to abuse me in any way, form or manner. It is safe to assume they do not love me and the wisest thing to do would be to remove myself from that environment.

Love is a good thing to experience and I hope every one of us finds the love we are looking for.

Thanks to #hivelearners for this opportunity to talk about love!

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