When the Past Resurfaces: A Story of Unexpected Meetings

Due to being very busy in the office, my mood was a bit bad, this often happens on the last days of the week and in the evening, I was sitting near a tea stall with friends and drinking tea. On one hand, he had a glass of tea and on the other hand, I had a cigarette which I was smoking as well. we were all sitting and chatting when suddenly my eyes fell on a familiar face. My office friends also saw that and asked why brother, what happened, did he recognize anyone. I shook my head and said no, it's nothing like that, I just felt that perhaps some familiar face seemed to me. Then, while talking with the same friends for some time, we went to our respective homes. My home is not that far from the office, so I go on foot with a bag on my shoulder. Just like this, from the middle of the market every day. Keep coming and going. It doesn't matter that much to me. I just don't stay happy with myself, I just go from office to home and from home to office, this is my life for at least 5 days. But today was something different, today I saw a face that had gone away many years ago and suddenly seeing it here today, I was a little shocked. I had reached some distance from the tea stall when I saw her again. She was buying vegetables from the market and along with her there was a small child who was standing next to her and was troubling her for some unknown reason.



I wanted to go there and talk to her but I don't know why I didn't have the courage and went straight home. Today I had seen her after many years and what can I say, after marriage, I was seeing her only today after so many years. I don't know how time passes, I don't even realize that it has been almost 6 years since I have been working in this company and she also got married about the same number of years ago and now she also has a child, maybe he is four or five years old, this is just my guess. I was not feeling good even after going home, I was thinking about her again and again and was cursed in the old memories, those college days and her going out, everything was like a flashback in my mind. I was trying hard but I don't know why things were just going on in my mind and I was not able to do anything. Neither did I feel like doing anything nor I was able to think properly.

I picked up the phone lying on the side and searched for her name, today after so many years I was searching for her name in the phone with the hope that maybe she would still be using the same number. I had searched the number but didn't dare to message or talk so I kept the phone aside. When I reached home, there was the same daily talk of the family members and the talk about my marriage had now become a common thing. My only answer remains that I don't want to do it. The family members were also tired of hearing this and they too don't insist so much anymore. I don't know what they might be thinking but perhaps they also don't have hope that will give you freedom now or not or maybe they want to wait for many more years. Whatever it is. I got up from there and went towards my room. It is my experience that even if no one understands you or not, your mother understands you very well and she knows when you are happy when you are sad or whatever is going on with you.

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I was in my room and was sitting after changing when my mother entered my room with a cup of tea and said what happened today? you are looking very sad, is everything okay? I said yes Mother, everything is fine, just a little office pressure is more these days, nothing else, everything is fine. My mother asked one more time, if there is anything, please tell me, I shook my head and said, "Hey, it's nothing, I just have a lot of office load, that's why I am a little worried, it's nothing like you are thinking, don't worry." Everything is fine. Mother also kept the cup of tea on the table and went out of the room. I don't know why I was suddenly becoming curious to know about her after so many years. Then I called my old college friend, he used to talk to everyone, yes, there was no one in the class whom he did not talk to and he also had information about everyone. When I called him, at first he was very surprised at how did I call him today because I don't call anyone much, then the conversation went on here and there and after twisting and turning I focused on what I wanted to ask.

He directly said, hey bro, that's why you called me today. I said no brother, there is no such thing, today I suddenly saw her here and I felt a bit strange because she was living in another city. Then he said, did you talk to her? I said no, I didn't dare to do so. I thought maybe you would know. He said that I was not sure but I also heard that her in-laws used to harass her, perhaps she had just left everything from there and had come back with her children. I was very sad to hear that people do this these days. Yes, I had heard of many cases but she was a very smart, intelligent and educated girl and she also knew how to fight for herself, but still, how did all this happen to her? It was done. Then we talked for a bit and then I disconnected the call.

I don't know where I got the courage and dial her number. The phone was ringing and my heart was beating very fast, I was feeling very angry. The phone kept ringing for a full minute but she did not pick up the call. I also did not try again as I was not sure whether she still had the same number or not. I kept thinking a lot at night and then I don't know when my eyes fell and like this a week passed neither I dialled the call again nor did I get any response from there. Now again she appeared in the market and this time she also saw me, it felt very strange for a bit, then I gathered my courage and went to her. Today she had come alone, perhaps her child would be at home. Don't know whatever it is. I asked how are you? Long time no see. She replied that she was fine, it was just that I had shifted here now. I reacted as if I didn't know anything. I asked why, didn't you like the city. She said no, there is no such thing, I have got a government job here, so coming here again and again from there was not possible, so I have taken this room and now if I go to work from here, it becomes a little easier.



After a few minutes spent standing in the middle of the market, I said, if you are free, should you sit somewhere? She replied, no, I will not be able to find the time right now because I have left the child at the neighbor's place, so I will just take my luggage and go straight home. I asked how far is it from here, and she said it was about 1 kilometer away, then I asked do you have a ride? he shook his head with a no. Nearby was a shop of a friend of mine so I kept my bag there and then took the bike key from him and I said you take the stuff and then I will drop you home. At first, she hesitated a lot and then she agreed. She knew how stubborn I was. Her room was far away, about 2 kilometres from the market and mine was very close to the market, then during the conversation I asked her where she works and many other things happened and then I told her that we also have a vacant room if you want. If you take time then take a look, it is also in the market and you will not have to walk so much every day, your office will also be close to there. No reply came from him. After a big pause, she said, just stop here, now I will leave. I said I will drop you home, she said just stop it, I will manage, there is no need to worry so much, she got a little angry.

I also slammed the brakes and parked the bike side, and I said, do you still use the same old number? She said yes, it is the same number then I gave her a missed call on the number from my phone and said save it so that you can remember it if you ever need it. She took out her phone from the purse and saved my number and then she went inside through an alley with bags in her hand. I felt like going and dropping her at home, then I just kept watching her going through the street and then I also came back home. A few days passed like this and one day suddenly an SMS came from him. She had written that if you are free this evening, let me know if we would like to go out somewhere, I immediately replied and what about your child? She said don't worry about him, I have left him at his grandmother's house. I started eagerly waiting for the evening and I don't know why that day seemed so long. As soon as it was 5:00 in the evening, I called her but she did not pick up the phone. I thought maybe she would be busy and would call back even after a few hours. There was no reply, then I messaged her, but there was no reply from her either.

I was getting very angry but what could I do? I keyed my bike and went straight to the place where I had left her a few weeks ago. Then I asked the people if a girl from any locality lived here, no one seemed to be that cooperative, and then one of them replied, Yes brother, I know where she lives, but she left here during the day itself with his child. I kept wondering what he was saying, we were supposed to meet this evening, so where did she go? Then the same boy said, Brother, when the woman and her children were leaving, a few hours later a man came here and was asked about them after showing their photos. I quickly opened Facebook and showed her the wedding photo and asked the boy, was this the man? As soon as the boy saw him, he nodded yes. I understood what was the matter. Then I tried to call this number again and the number was switched off.



Then I went straight from there to her mother's house and asked Aunty, what happened, where did she go suddenly? Her mother told me the whole story and said that her family members used to harass her a lot, and that is why she had come here to live. I told her to stay with us but she didn't listen. Then I don't know from where her husband came to know that she was living here, so he was harassing her on the phone for a few days and this morning itself he called her and said I am coming to pick you up, And now she has gone, I don't even know where she has gone, I am also very worried. I was not able to understand what to say or do. I came back from there and went straight towards my home. I don't even remember how I reached home that day, I was completely lost. When I reached home, there was the sound of a small child speaking and the voice of a girl was coming, the voice seemed quite familiar to me. When I went inside, I was very surprised to see her and her child there. As soon as I reached inside, my mom said, 'Look son, who has come? Your college friend has come.'

I also tried to be a little ignorant and was very happy to see her there and was also feeling a little strange as to why she had come here. Don't know what was going on in her mind. Mom told me she was looking for a room to rent and I showed her the room downstairs and she liked it. I did not say anything. As soon as my mom left the room, I asked her what happened, you are suddenly here and your husband was looking for you, what is going on? She suddenly started crying and said, I don't understand what to do, my family members are also asking me to go back there, I don't want to go back there, please just allow me to stay here on rent for a few months. Just do this small thing for me. I will be indebted to you for the rest of my life. I said, why are you saying this, you can stay here as long as you want and you don't even need to pay rent, I will manage it, please stop crying.

Now it has been almost a month and she is living on my rent and now she has hired a lawyer who is fighting the case for her divorce. It is very difficult for a single woman in the society if she didn't have any support. Nowadays, even this becomes difficult if there is no one to do it. I don't know why but he still has a lot of faith in me. There are still many questions in my mind to which I have not got the answers yet, maybe with time I will get the answers to all those questions. Right now I just want her to be happy.

This is a fiction story and my original content (or you can say my imagination)

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āš ļø This is a fictional story


see you in the next post. Keep learning and keep exploring...

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Thanks a lot for staying till the end šŸ˜ƒšŸ™, Let me know what you think.

Never forget one thing you should be grateful for because someone has a dream of what you have. So learn to be grateful. Be Thankful.šŸ™šŸ˜€

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