Unlocking the Path to Freedom: Strategies for Managing Debt

Some or other problems keep coming into everyone's life, some problems are bigger and some are smaller. We don't even think about some problems that much and some force us to think about them. Many people get trapped in many problems just by drowning in worries. And even without wanting to, they suffer from many diseases. It is said that worry is like a funeral pyre. This is a very true statement because if you start overthinking about your things, then it becomes a problem for you. After all, even without wanting to, you get stuck in the cycle and it becomes tough to get out of there. And nowadays this has been named depression, it is not a new thing, it has been going on here for years but nowadays it has increased a lot here.


This can happen due to many actions, many things are caused by us ourselves, but some problems surround us even if we don't want to and we are unable to do anything, we become completely helpless due to those problems. Wherever there is a will, there is a way. Believe me, if you want something with all your heart and are working hard for it, then a day will come when you will reach your goal. You just have to create a positive mindset for him and everything becomes possible. Everything takes time but gradually if you make him enjoy the journey then things become easier for you.

Many problems are going on in life right now, but for me, what I consider to be the biggest problem is the problem of money because right now I am facing a huge loan due to which I am not able to do many things in life. I want to, but I am thankful that all the family members are moving forward together in this journey the journey here is also going to be long but if you have the support of your loved ones, then the journey will be easier. It becomes easy. I will not be able to tell you the amount, but right now a huge amount is due to the loan, a lot of it is from the bank and then some remaining amount also has to be returned to the relatives. I don't know how much more time will it take to repay it. We all will meet at home and see what happens. The situation is not favourable to us all the time and to be honest, earlier there were no ways to invest so much and people did not even know where to send the story and perhaps that is why my family got trapped in this loan. And perhaps there is a reason due to which I too have fallen prey to it.



I have also planned a lot to repay it as soon as possible, but let's see whether things go according to plan or not. If everything goes according to my plan, then maybe soon we will be free from this debt. And this will be a huge achievement for me and all of us too. But mind, if you do not have any loan then you feel much more free because you can use your money to invest in other things. If you have a loan then it is your priority. Yes, if you are getting very good returns on your invested amount then I would recommend doing so.

Suppose you have borrowed Rs 10 lakh from your bank at an annual interest of 10%. If you invest Rs 10 lakh in HBB and you get a 20% return per year, then perhaps you should do so, it will be very beneficial for you. If you are getting less than this or somewhere else where you are investing and getting less than this percentage of return then it would be foolish to do so. I would advise you to try to reduce your debt as soon as possible so that you can There will be no need to pay more money.

I will not say that I have solved this problem but I am sure that if we do proper planning then together we will be able to end this problem quickly and doing so will be much better for all of us and perhaps we will also be much happier to do so. I always try not to do it, nor do I advise anyone to do so, but sometimes circumstances come such that we have to take such steps even without wanting to, which we do not want to take. But still, if you have ever incurred an expense, then you try your best to finish it as soon as possible because doing so will only benefit you and you will have to pay less interest in return.

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see you in the next post. Keep learning and keep exploring...

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Never forget one thing you should be grateful for because someone has a dream of what you have. So learn to be grateful. Be Thankful.🙏😀

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