The Marvels of Childhood Intelligence: Nurturing Curiosity for Future Success

As we are growing up and we are becoming more developed, if we compare ourselves with the last few generations, we will find that we are much more updated and we do have information stored. And similarly, the coming generation will be more advanced and they will already know many things and they will do many things better than us. Although small children have a lot of curiosity and have a lot of curiosity to learn new things, this happens in most children, there are some special cases too but mostly it is seen like this, children are very serious about things. To know whatever is going on around them. If we take their curiosity on a good path then they become very successful. We see that some children are very bright since childhood and all that happens because of their environment and their family every child has a lot of curiosity to know things if you answer their questions well then it gets imprinted in their mind and they can use it in many ways.


Well, no matter who the children are, if you see them, they do many types of things and some things even surprise us a lot nowadays even small children have become so smart that they know how to use smartphones and that too. They do a lot of things which other people are not able to do. They learn from us only. Their intelligence is much sharper in comparison to ours. They are much more concentrated on things. Whenever they do something, they do it only in that. Become engrossed in meditation whether it is playing or anything else. If there is a small child in your family, then you must have experienced this thing. I also have a one-three-year-old girl in my house, she is very naughty as every child is these days and she is very smart. She grasps things very quickly and the learning abilities of children are praiseworthy. There is no answer to them, but sometimes they do such things that they do not happen and we get surprised and are astounded.

Children also have a very sharp memory and they remember things, they recognize who behaves well towards them and who behaves badly towards them and react accordingly, for example, if you like children, then you Will play with them. So there are more chances that children will want to come with you, if you do the opposite then children will also not come with you. Children have to obey us a lot to do anything. If you have to feed them, then for that also you have to run around a lot. There are very few children who eat the food without misbehaving, otherwise they show a lot of tantrums. Even when eating food, they are observed because children probably like attention and they know that if they say no, then they have to be persuaded. An effort will be made, maybe they want it, I don't know, only he knows. A few days ago or should I say last month, it was the birthday of a girl in our family.

At that time, a lot of people had come, yes, all of them were close family members, but she had seen some people only once and as a result, she recognized everyone and she even started telling everyone who they were, seeing this gives us all a lot of surprise because The last time my family members had come to meet us, they might have told her a little bit about her, but she remembered all those things and I was very surprised to see this. This was not only a surprising thing for me, it was for everyone else too. I was very happy to see her, although everyone became happy after seeing the children because they brought a kind of positivity to the entire environment, at that time, I was very happy, I cannot explain it, I hope you can understand. That must be what I am trying to say. This is just one story. There are so many such stories. If I tell them to everyone here, that kiss will never be bad. We all have some cases of children which we want to share. Some are very interesting. And some are not so special.

I believe here that children have been very bright since childhood, they just need guidance. If you have a child in your house then you should teach them new things and try to keep him away from the phone. We can learn something. If possible, then let them use it. Rest, try your best to spend time with him and do physical activities with him so that he feels tired and gets better sleep. A lot is changing and children are also developing very fast. One already knows a lot of things or after seeing them one is quite surprised and surprised. I believe here that if you give proper guidance to children at the right time, they will definitely progress and make you all proud.

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see you in the next post. Keep learning and keep exploring...

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