The Impact of Misused Freedom of Expression on Society

Well, there are many countries where there are a lot of restrictions on speaking, especially against the government, if you say anything against the government, then perhaps some action can be taken against you, yes, this is happening almost everywhere because any government which is in power probably does not want that any person says bad things about them, yes, the government should positively takes this thing and improves itself, but mostly this is not happening everywhere. But I feel that sometimes people misuse their freedom a bit too much, maybe that's why people do not get punished for it, at some places people are not able to share even many common things and at some places, it becomes too much and people can share a lot about their government and other people.


Well, if anything happens within a limit then it is good. If anything goes beyond its limit then it has consequences and people have to bear its consequences. Many times we have seen that some people give hate speeches and it spreads a lot of rebellion. So I think that such things should be stopped and such things should be banned because by doing this people or I should say especially leaders work to instigate fighting among communities and in the end nothing happens to them because they get security. In the end, the common people suffer and in such a situation even if someone wants to do something, they cannot. In many countries, people give his speeches and many people become their blind followers and trust them blindly due to which they have to face a lot of problems. Yes sometimes there are certain things that everyone should know and access to such things is also important but I feel that if you are listening or watching something and if you feel that it may cause harm to society in any way, no matter which class of people it is, then you should not share such things and if possible you should try to stop such things but nowadays times are changing, people just want to see a spectacle and they like such things, I don't know why a very wrong atmosphere is being created around us.

Well, I feel that in our country there is much more freedom in every matter as compared to other countries and sometimes when people cross their limits then the government has to take steps for that but here I feel there is much more freedom as compared to many other countries and this is a good thing as well but I feel that if you get freedom then you should not misuse it as in such a case people who need it face a lot of problems and people who do not even need it take wrong advantage of it and I feel that we should first examine such things and then support such people or listen to such people.



Well, now it is the era of online, and there are many online platforms where people can share their views and create their audience, if you have a good audience then you have many opportunities to spread your views to others, some people take wrong advantage of this thing and confuse people, as we have seen how YouTubers and influencers are promoting any application for money these days and in this way, common people have to lose money and I feel that such things should also be banned because they publicly talk a lot, some people talk a lot and they blindly believe everything that their influencers tell them and in this way they make a lot of money, many times and sometimes many people even lose their lives.

So I think that everything is right within a limit. If you have the freedom to speak anything then you should not take wrong advantage of it. You should raise your voice for the right things which you understand to be good and not something which causes riots in your city or which leads to fights among the people. You should avoid such things and if you have the freedom to speak things then it should be such a thing which benefits others and peace is maintained everywhere. Nowadays you are seeing what kind of atmosphere is being created, there is a very negative atmosphere all over the world, I hope that everything becomes normal soon, its impact is very less, rest we will see what happens.

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